Basic Treatment System Refrigeration Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning (RHVAC)

Basic Treatment System Refrigeration Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning (RHVAC)

Banana Inn Hotel, Bandung |JUNI 01– 04, 2011 | US$ 880.00/person


RHVAC stands for Refrigeration, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning. Today’s RHVAC keep us warm in winter and cool in summer. RHVAC is particularly important in the design of medium to large industrial and office buildings, where humidity and temperature must all be closely regulated whilst maintaining safe and healthy conditions within.

The three functions of heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning are closely interrelated. All seek to provide thermal comfort, acceptable indoor air quality, and reasonable installation, operation, and maintenance costs. RHVAC systems can provide ventilation, reduce air infiltration, and maintain pressure relationships between spaces.

The increasing of capacity and skills of employees in the company is very necessary to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of employees, which can indirectly improve the company’s profit. Increasing the skills of technicians to care will improve the ability of handling equipment to work with the optimal.

This training will deliver the material that is intended for employees of the company’s maintenance of equipment, field techniques, especially refrigerator and air system

The Objective of  This Training

Expected at the end of the training, each participant can understand the systems, cooling systems and air system.


  1. Refrigeration and air system
    • Cooling techniques and the application system
    • System work
    • System component ( Condensor, compressor, evaporator, refrigeran, liquid receiver/ accumulator, sightglass, filter drier, EPR, SPR, etc)
    • Comfort Air
    • Air system (Central & Unitary, Multi & Single Zone)
    • Direct Air System and Package
    • Chiller
    • Cooling Tower
    • Air Distribution System and Ventilation
    • Heating System and Hot Water Distribution
  2. Controls and electrical systems on RHVAC
    • Electrical System 1 & 3 Phase
    • Motor system and electrical control systems RHVAC
    • Electric control tools on the refrigeration system and Air control:
    • HLP, thermostat, overload etc
  3. Basics Installation and Refrigeration systems examination
    • Safety and Health
    • Basic Continuation and pipe/ tube processing
    • Installing the system, vacuum, leak testing and refrigerant charging
  4. Maintenance & Troubleshooting
    • RHVAC Maintenance system
    • Tracking error and damage analysis on RHVAC system
  5. Maintenance Practical System and Observation system
    • AC Split system (Practical)
    • AC Central System (Obervation)
    • Water Heater System/ Boiler (Practical)
    • Air distribution System (Observation)


  • Ir. Apip Badaruddin, MT
  • Ir. Arda Rahardja Lukiotbudi, M. Eng
  • Ir. Windy Hermawan Mitrakusuma, MT.
  • Ade Suryatman Margana, ST, Dipl. TT. MT.

Apip Badaruddin, ST, MT. He held his master degree in Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and has developed his skill and knowledge by following course inside and outside Indonesia, such as Hydrocarbon Refrigeration, Ecozone BV in The Netherlands. His core of competency is in refrigeration and has been practicing it as a lecturer in State Polytechnic of Bandung for more than 14 years. For the last two years, he has been lecturing 1 & 2 Applied Refrigeration. From 1996 until 2006, he also actively participated in a professional activity: Training, Installation, and refinement of Refrigerator machine.

Ir. Windy Hermawan Mitrakusuma, MT. He is a lecturer in State Polytechnic of Bandung, especially in technique refrigeration and air system. He had been following several training such as Course of Innovation in refrigeration and air conditioning: Calorymeter system, data acquisition standardization and calibaration, ecozone-Netherlands. His experience in design and installation of refrigeration is more than 18 (eighteen years).

Ir. Arda Rahardja Lukiotbudi, MEng holds a Master degree in Mechanical Engineering from RMIT, Australia. He joined The State Polytechnic of Bandung in 1987. He is a Lecturer and Head of KBK Refrigeration from 2006 until now on.  The professional training that he has been followed both domestic and overseas are: Thermal Energy Storage Systems in ITB; Hydrocarbon Refrigeration in Ecozone, The Nederlands; Maintenance of Hydrocarbon Refrigeration System in Ecozone, The Nederlands ; Vocational & Technical Teacher Training majoring Refrigeration & Air Conditioning in Hawthorn Institute of Education, Australia; Training in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning for 10 months in Boxhill TAFE College, Australia.

One of his scientific paper results is “Design, Construction and Testing of a Thermosyphon Heat exchanger for Medium Temperature Heat Recovery Application in Bakeries” He is a member of American Society of Heating Refirgeration Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).

Ir. Ade Suryatman Margana, ST, Dipl. TT. MT held his Diploma Technical Teaching in Hawthorn Institute of Education, Melbourne, Australia, 1987 and also got Certificate of Technology Refrigeration and Air Conditioning from TAFE RMIT, Melbourne, Australia in 1985. In 2000 and 2002, he finished his Bachelor degree from UNISBA and ITB majoring Industrial engineering and also Machinery engineering. In 2010, he completed his Master degree especially in Machinery engineering, UGM.

The professional training that he has been followed such as Maintenance Refrigeration and Air Conditioning system, Ecozone, Netherland; Load Calculation and Maintenance Air Conditioning CARRIER, Singapore.

Other than as a Lecturer in The State Polytechnic of Bandung, he also worked as a Project Leader in PT. Constube Perkasa Manunggal and as Engineering Manager in Amiga Jaya Makmur. He is also a freelance consultant for Mechanical & Electrical System for Pertamina Balongan, Krakatau Steel, Frisian Flag, Pupuk Kujang and B4T Bandung.

Registration Fee:

  • Registration Deadline: Mei 25, 2011
  • US$ 880.00/person
  • US$ 840.00/person for more than 3 (three) participants from 1 Company

Fee includes the following:

  • Four-day registration fee for all Training sessions
  • Lunch per day
  • Daily coffee/tea breaks
  • Integrated Quality Training Materials (SOFTCOPY AND HARDCOPY)
  • Quality Training Kits
  • Convenient Training Facilities
  • Certifícate of Compleción

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