Effective Recruitment and Selection Quantum Your Business

Effective Recruitment and Selection Quantum Your Business

Ibis Slipi Hotel, Jakarta | May 10-11, 2010 | Rp.3.250.000,-

Through Recruiting High Potential People and Selectively Hiring The Right Workforce


The assumption that best talent and that previous experience, a clean resume and a great appearance are the primary predictors of success often leads to recruiting mistake that can cause high remover and effective organizational teams. What we know is traditional process results and no body likes it, there are lots people who look and act like talented people but they don�t perform because money doesn�t motivate them.

There are numerous method of behavioral profiles that measure traits such as: empathy confidence, sociability, helpfulness, thoroughness and problem solving, all of which are personality traits are required in varying degrees based upon the sales position and the company several methodologies are used to develop a behavioral profile customized for each company and position.

The recruitment & hiring process procedures shall be used for recruiting talented and high potential people and selectively hiring the right workforce for the company, the right processes and procedures will ensure more directed and converging process in all recruitment and selection effort

This program effective recruitment & selection centered on the best practice available in the industry with an extensive workshop of following issues:

  1. Human Resource management and Practice
  2. The Recruitment Process
  3. Job Analysis and Performance
  4. Attracting Employees
  5. Outsourcing Aspects of recruitment
  6. Interview preparation
  7. The interview
  8. Assessing the Interview
  9. The selection decision and Contracts
  10. Legislation and Legal Issues Affecting Recruitment
  11. Induction of New employees
  12. Human resource Information System
  13. Evaluation of the recruitment Process


This program is suitable for all level of people function and Staff responsible for the performance of a business unit, division or an organization as whole. This program will be of particular benefit to those concerned with:

  • People contribution to organization
  • Line management deal with people practices and their work contribution
  • People Strategy formulation and implementation


Ir. Pungki Purnadi, MM

Mr. Pungki Purnadi is a HR practitioner, he has more than 15 years experiences in handling HR matter in some multinational company such as TOTALFINAELF, MedcoEnergi and Petronas. He has also some years experiences with international management consultant, handling some HR matters in tobaccos, pulp & paper and cement industries. His background is Petroleum Engineering and Master Management. He was the Chairman of Training & Develoment Organization within Oil & Gas Industry (KKSD). As HR practitioners, he is very active to run and facilitating several HR programs.


May 10-11, 2010
2 days

Ibis Slipi Hotel, Jakarta

Tuition Fee
Rp.3.250.000,-    per participant, excluding accommodation & tax.

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