Enhancing Your Skill to Become Successful Debt Collector

Enhancing Your Skill to Become Successful Debt Collector

Hotel/Office Building, Jakarta | 27-28 Juni 2013 | Rp. 2.950.000,-
Hotel/Office Building, Jakarta | 01-02 Juli 2013 | Rp. 2.950.000,-
Hotel/Office Building, Jakarta | 02-03 September 2013 | Rp. 2.950.000,-
Hotel/Office Building, Jakarta | 30-31 Oktober 2013 | Rp. 2.950.000,-
Hotel/Office Building, Jakarta | 01-02 Nopember 2013 | Rp. 2.950.000,-
Hotel/Office Building, Jakarta | 26-27 Desember 2013 | Rp. 2.950.000,-


Collecting payment from debitur sometimes can be complicated. It is not only the matter of limited cash available but also the matter of inadequate skills of the debt collector. S/he usually does not examine the field, situation, and condition or even does not have strategic tactic to deal with his/her debitur.

Inappropriate risk management strategy may allow loss in the company as non performing loan or bad debt. Improvement in collection strategy and skills will perform increasing in company revenue.

This comprehensive and practical course provides the key skills needed.

+- Various skills such as preparation, classification, building rapport, negotiation or dealing with difficult debitur, visiting or telephone calling, post collection activities will be intensively discussed in this program with the aim of developing you as a successful debt-collector and improving your existing skills.

Tujuan dan Manfaat Pelatihan

After attending this program, participants will be better able to:

  1. Understand Their Responsibilities, Roles, And Attitude As A Debt-Collector
  2. Understand Collection System, Strategy, And Policy
  3. Learn What And How To Prepare For A Collection Process
  4. Learn How To Classify Type Of Debitur And Prepare Strategy To Deal With Each Type Of Debitur
  5. Learn How To Build Rapport
  6. Learn How To Negotiate Or Deal With Difficult Debitur
  7. Learn How To Visit Or Call Effectively
  8. Learn How To Handle Objections Or Inquiries
  9. Understand The Post Collection Activities
  10. Achieve Desired Outcomes For The Organisation And Themselves
  11. Develop Necessary Skills To Become A Successful Debt-Collector


  1. Principal of Collection Management
  2. Roles, responsibilities, and attitude of a STAR debt-collector
  3. Collection system, strategy, and policy
  4. Preparation – objectives and materials
  5. Classification of debitur and strategy for each type of debitur
  6. Building rapport
    • a.    Introduction
    • b.    Setting the scenario
    • c.    Questions using V-A-K-O-G model
  7. Matching needs and presenting solutions
    • a.    Identifying pleasure or pain type of people
    • b.    Negotiation skills in collection
  8. Getting agreement – handling objections or inquiries
    • a.    Using boomerang method, conditional method, metaphor, and so on
  9. Handling Past Due
  10. Post collection activities
    • a.    Summarising
    • b.    Filing
    • c.    Follow up
    • d.    Visiting and calling effectively
    • e.    Building Confidence
  11. Lots of tips and videos for successful debt-collector


Lama Pelatihan adalah 7-8 jam/ 1 hari

Waktu dan Lokasi :

di  Hotel/ Meeting Room.

Jadwal :

  • 09-10 Januari 2013
  • 01-02 Februari 2013
  • 05-06 Maret 2013
  • 04-05 April 2013
  • 02-03 Mei 2013
  • 27-28 Juni 2013
  • 01-02 Juli 2013
  • 02-03 September 2013
  • 30-31 Oktober 2013
  • 01-02 Nopember 2013
  • 26-27 Desember 2013


  • Rp. 2.950.000,-/ peserta
  • (sudah termasuk Coffee Break + Lunch, modul dan sertifikat)
  • Early Bird 15 hari sebelum Pelaksanaan hanya Bayar Rp. 2.500.000,-
  • Untuk 5 Peserta dari perusahaan yang sama diskon 15% untuk semua peserta, Special Bonus : (CD Audio Relax and Recharge) + Souvenir


Metode Pelatihan

  1. Pemaparan materi menggunakan  modul yang disesuaikan dengan output/ tujuan pelatihan ini.
  2. Penyampaian materi diberikan dengan metode pengalaman, sehingga dapat sesuai dengan kondisi lingkungan kerja di perusahaan Anda.
  3. Pemaparan materi menggunakan media Visual, Auditory, dan Kinestethic peserta.
  4. Penyampaian materi selalu dibawakan dengan pendekatan Spiritual dan Emotional.
  5. Penyampaian materi untuk menciptakan persepsi baru yang dapat  merubah mindset dan pemahaman peserta pelatihan.

Games, Role Play, Group Discussion, Case Study, Simulation, Assignment


This Program is recommended to all new debt-collector and those who want to improve or refresh their ability as a professional debt-collector.


Putera Lengkong, S.T., M.B.A., CH, CHt, CI

Licensed Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic ProgrammingTM

Certified Practitioner of Communication Skills

Certified Hypnotherapist and Hypnotherapy Instructor

Putera is recognised among his trainees for his excellent combination of applicable and theoretical training materials. His experience, in managing and directing the company, delivers him successfully to inspire and motivate others. His knowledge in automotive, finance, and retail industry supports him to confidently share his expertise to others. His area of expertise are: Leadership and supervising; Team Building and Creativity; Salesmanship; Service Excellence; Motivational and Change!; Communication, Risk Management (banking and multi finance), Negotiation, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy.

He received his degree in industrial engineering from University of Atma Jaya, Yogyakarta in 2000. He received a scholarship to study his MBA at the Wolverhampton Business School, University of Wolverhampton, in the UK and completed his MBA in 2003.

His managerial experience in retail, education, automotive, and finance industry are a strong plus point for him to deliver this collection module.

His partnership and experience as a trainer in Pakis Foundation, Choice Management Consultants, and PT Inti Sumber Daya Manusia supports him to powerfully deliver the contents to his participants and to assist the learning process of his participants. His clients come from various backgrounds: multilevel marketing, education, bank, automotive, telecommunication, retail, NGO, media, and so on.

In conjunction with Bintang Dwi Nugroho Respati, Putera writes the Best Selling Book “Koleksi Games Seru: untuk Ice Breaker, Team Work, Leadership, Creativity, & High Ropes” (first in Indonesia complimented with VCD). For more information, please visit http://www.puteralengkong.com.

The author also spare some of his time to generate ideas on personal development, self improvement, self motivation, leadership, communication, and marketing which can be accessed through his personal blog at http://puteralengkong.blogspot.com.

Susunan Acara

Hari Pertama

08.30 – 09.00         Pendaftaran dan registrasi peserta

09.00 – 10.30         Materi/ Sesi I

1.    Principal of Collection Management

2.    Roles, responsibilities, and attitude of a STAR debt-collector

3.    Collection system, strategy, and policy

10.30 – 10.45        Rehat

10.45 – 12.00        Materi/ Sesi II

1.    Preparation – objectives and materials

2.    Classification of debitur and strategy for each type of debitur

3.    Building rapport

12.00 – 13.00        Rehat – makan siang

13.00 – 15.00        Unit assesment dan presentasi kelompok

15.00 – 15.15        Rehat

15.15 – 16.00        Evaluasi presentasi kelompok.

16.00            Penutupan acara hari pertama

Hari Kedua

09.00            Registrasi ulang peserta

09.00 – 10.30        Materi/ Sesi III

1.    Matching needs and presenting solutions

2.    Getting agreement – handling objections or inquiries

3.    Handling Past Due

10.30 – 10.45        Rehat

10.45    – 12.00    Materi/ Sesi IV

1.    Post collection activities

2.    Lots of tips and videos for successful debt-collector

12.00 – 13.00        Rehat – makan siang

13.00 – 15.00        Unit assesment dan presentasi kelompok

15.00 – 15.15        Rehat

15.15 – 16.00        Evaluasi presentasi kelompok

16.00            Penutupan acara akhir.

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