Hotel Grand Serela, Bandung | 16 – 18 October 2013 | Rp 5.500.000,-
Description :
The reasons we provide and invite industries to send its staff to attend this workshop are:
- Many industries have limitation in understanding of Human Resource. They think Human Resource is a department or section that dealing with “people”. It means discipline, hiring, warning and firing of employee
- Industry has many ways or angles in seeing HR. Dominantly they say HR is cost centre. They do not know how to make HR as partner
- Investment in Human Resource is vital, costly and critical. Once company has suitable person in HR, company must train and develop the person
Course Outline
- Company stake holders
- Roles and function of HR
- HR is Support function
- HR is Service function
- HR is Advice function
- HR is Control function
- Type of Industries
- Management cycle and HR
- Manpower planning
- Recruitment and placement
- Training and Development
- Salary and compensation
- Industrial Relations: Labor Law, Union, Employers – Association, Government agency
- Personnel Administration
- Report and Record
- Works Method and Work Measurement
- Performance Measure and Standard
- Cost and Budget
- Occupational Safety and Health
- Employee Retirement Income Security
Staff HRD And General Section
Hendrati SE. MM.
Venue :
Hotel Grand Serela Bandung
Date :
- 17 – 19 April 2013 ( Batch II)
- 9 – 11 Juliy 2013 ( Batch III)
- 16 – 18 October 2013 ( Batch IV)
- Training Kit
- Meeting room Hotel ****
- Soft Copy Material course on 4GB.
- Coffee Break & Lunch
- Certifikat
- Souvenir
- Additional Program (optional)
IDR : 5,500,000,-/participant non residential.