Hotel The Acacia | 17 – 20 Maret 2010 | 08.00 – 18.00 WIB | Rp. 5.500.000,-/orang



The purpose of the HRDPC Program is to assist all managers and technical professionals in the company to:

  1. Increase their understanding and awareness of the importance of human resource development,
  2. create a more positive attitude towards HRD activities in the company,
  3. show line managers how they can contribute more actively to human resource activities in the company and
  4. help them to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their new role as “Human resource managers for their subordinates”.

The objectives of the Human Resource Development Certification Program are indicated below.  The macro training objective is to increase the trainees’ understanding of what Human Resource Development is, to help them adopt a positive attitude towards HRD activities, to assist them in becoming HRD managers for their immediate subordinates and to upgrade their skills and knowledge about HRD.


By the end of the Human Resource Development Program in the company,  the participants will be able to …

  1. DEFINE what Human Resource Development and Human Resource Management is and to specify which roles line managers and   Human Resource professionals should play to assist the company in achieving its Human Resource objectives.  They will also be able to DIFFERENTIATE the functions of personnel management from human resource development and have a clear understanding of how their attitudes and behaviors must change to meet the challenge of implementing an integrated human resource system in their company.
  2. IDENTIFY current strengths and weaknesses in the human resource management system in the company based upon their experience as line managers and technical professionals. Based upon this, the participants will be able to pinpoint where their efforts should be focused to help the company improve its human resource system.
  3. APPLY what they have learned in the program to improve the linkages among manpower planning, succession planning, career planning and career development, mentoring, performance development appraisal, the development of competency based job profiles, training needs assessment, post training follow-up and employee recruitment.  They will     demonstrate this understanding through the completion of an integrated HRD simulation conducted during the program.
  4. ANALYZE the strengths and weaknesses of  the company current employee development system.  Based upon this, the trainees will be able to identify what they as heads of  technical departments and line managers can do to help overcome these weaknesses and to strengthen the overall employee development process in the company
  5. DEVELOP a competency based job profile for positions which they supervise. They will be able to link this process to the recruitment-selection-and-placement process, performance development appraisal, to training needs identification and assessment, career planning and development, mentoring and to the succession planning process in the company.


At the end of the Human Resource Development Program, the participants will:

  1. Know what HRD is and why it is important for their departments,
  2. become more supportive of and active in HRD activities in the company
  3. know why open and honest feedback is fundamental for a good performance  development appraisal system
  4. be more prepared in terms of skills and knowledge to implement their role as “human resource managers for  subordinates” in their departments and work units,
  5. be able to develop a job profile for positions  which they supervise and understand how job profiles can  strengthen the current employee training and staff development processes in the company, as well as how it supports improved recruitment, career and succession  planning, mentoring, the creation of a development focus  to emphasize performance gaps in performance development appraisal, and other line manager responsibilities in  the human resource area,
  6. know why it is necessary to move to a more open, two way system of communication between heads of departments, line managers and human resource professionals.




Mencakup :

  1. Human Resources Planning (Organization Development & Workforces Planning)
  2. Human Resources Acquiring (Recruitment & Placement)
  3. Human Resources Developing (People Develpoment, Training, Performance Management, Competencies Based, Career Management)
  4. Human Resources Maintaining (Compensation & Benefit and Industrial Relation)
  5. Human Resources Retaining (Talent Management and Succession Planning)



Peserta HRDPC adalah para praktisi yang telah lama bekerja di perusahaan atau karyawan baru yang ditempatkan di divisi SDM yang membutuhkan pemahaman dasar yang menyeluruh mengenai manajemen SDM.



Pungki Purnadi

Mr. Pungki Purnadi is a HR practitioner, he has more than 15 years experiences in handling HR matter in some multinational company such as TOTALFINAELF, MedcoEnergi and Petronas. He has also some years experiences with international management consultant, handling some HR matters in tobaccos, pulp & paper and cement industries. His background is Petroleum Engineering and Master Management. He was the Chairman of Training & Develoment Organization within Oil & Gas Industry (KKSD). As HR practitioners, he is very active to run and facilitating several HR programs.



Hari : Rabu – Sabtu
Tanggal : 17 – 20 Maret 2010
Waktu : 08.00 – 18.00 WIB
Tempat : Hotel The Acacia
Jl. Kramat Raya No. 81, Jakarta Pusat




  • Rp. 5.500.000,-/orang
  • Rp. 5.000.000,-/2 orang dari perusahaan yang sama.
  • 5 orang pendaftar pertama akan mendapatkan diskon 10 %.
  • Biaya investasi sudah termasuk 2x coffee break, 2x makan, seminar kits, dan sertifikat.


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