Implementing Office Hygiene Rules In The Workplace

Implementing Office Hygiene Rules In The Workplace

Bandung | Jun 28-30, 2010 | Rp.5.250.000,-



The workers spent most of their time in the office or work-site. Therefore, every potential health hazards found in the workplace can be interfere the worker’s productivity and affect the health of them. Even though in the modern office environment, the risk and health problems are still high, for example by using of computer from ergonomics aspects, installing the luxurious carpets, unproper placing the copy machines. Creating poor indoor air quality. Good hygiene and sanitation in the office should be maintain, including water resources, waste handling, preparing foods for worker, sanitary facilities, vector control, etc. All discussed based on government regulation (The decree of Ministry of Health) and best practices. Poor maintenance of all above aspect will result the high Medical attention in the Clinic, spent high medical cost especially when outbreak diseases happen. All of this need management and workers commitment to solve it.


These courses are intended to:

  • Give an understanding regarding all potential hazards factors in the office and its adverse effect to the worker’s health.
  • help the participant in developing all programs needed to prevent the diseases regarding the existing factors.
  • Suggest to Management to develop any policy and procedure as prevention guidelines.


I. Office Hygiene

Discussing about background, related rules and regulation, objectives of the program, organization and responsibilities.

II. Potential Health Hazards and Health Aspects

Identification of all potential health hazards, such as water supply, indoor air quality, temperature and humidity, dust, air circulation, microbiology, waste handling, illumination, noise, vibration, radiation, vector control programs, workplace lay out design and sanitation, etc., including of other specific related, such as Food Safety Program, Office Ergonomics, and the usage of Office Copying Machine. Identification of major sources of Indoor Air Contaminants and its adverse of health effect And all programs to control them.

III. Audit & Review

Developing checklist for conducting office environment inspection. To review the existing program to avoid health effect.


Courses are aimed at managers, designers, safety specialists and all those who concerned with the safe and efficient performance of controlling of potentially hazardous, such as HRD Manager, HSE Officer, Doctor and Occupational Health Nurses, General Services, any other who interest.


Dr. Abdul Baktiansyah, MS has reached more than 25 years professionals experience in medical area. He graduated from Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya, to expert his study he took Magister of Science in Occupational Health (MS) in Faculty of Medicine at Indonesia University.

He has experience as Area Manager Medical in Tesoro Indonesia Petroleum, Tarakan almost for twelve years and he got his new experiences at MedcoEnergi E&P Ltd in 2002 as Occupational Health & Industrial Hygiene Coordinator, as Occupational Health & Industrial Hygiene Consultant at Indonesia Power Ltd, etc.

Mr. Abdul has attended several workshops such as: Implementation of the Knowledge and Industrial Hygiene Profession for Productivity, Healthcare Executive Leadership Program in New South Wales  – Sydney, Intensive Training Post Graduate Program in Occupational Medicine, Industrial Hygiene and Health Safety, etc.

Jun 28-30, 2010
3 days


Tuition Fee
Rp.5.250.000,- per participant, excluding accommodation & tax.

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