Estubizi Business Center, Jakarta | 10-12 Juli 2012 | 08.30 – 16.30 | Rp  4.500.000,-


This qualification training covers the knowledge required to gain an understanding of the content and requirements of the international standard, ISO/IEC 20000: IT Service Management. It covers the certification requirements of ISO/IEC 20000-1:2005 and how the guidance in ISO/IEC 20000-2:2005 can be adopted by an organization to deliver effective managed services and continually improve those services. The qualification is aimed at staff in internal and external service provider organizations who require knowledge and understanding of the ISO/IEC 20000 standard and its content.

The training provides:

  • Service owners, process owners and other service management staff with an awareness of and familiarity with the ISO/IEC 20000 standard
  • Individuals with the necessary knowledge to assess the relevance and importance of the ISO/IEC 20000 standard to the service management activities within their own organization
  • Managers and team leaders with a knowledge of a typical ISO/IEC 20000 IT service management system
  • Internal auditors, process owners, process reviewers and assessors with a good knowledge of the ISO/IEC 20000 standard, its contents and justification of the need for internal reviews, assessments and audits
  • Evidence that delegates have achieved a foundation level of knowledge of the ISO/IEC 20000 standard.


At the completion of this course, the participants should be able to :

  • Describe the scope, aims and use of the ISO/IEC 20000 Specification and Code of Practice through an understanding of the roles of the component parts of the standard
  • Explain their understanding of the integrated approach to maintaining IT service management systems and processes that conform with ISO/IEC 20000 certification
  • Describe the scoping and eligibility requirements and options to achieve certification
  • Understand and describe the requirements of the IT service management system and the Plan, Do, Check Act cycle
  • Understand and describe the objectives and requirements of each section of the ISO/IEC 20000 -1 Specification
  • Recognize and describe the need to:
    • Plan and implement IT service management processes
    • Report on the IT services and major metrics of the IT Service
    • Management processes
    • Schedule and conduct regular reviews, assessments and audits
    • Plan and prepare for an ISO/IEC 20000 audit o Plan for continual service improvement
  • Explain how assessments, reviews and internal audits of IT Service Management systems against the requirements of the standard are used.


(1)- Understanding ISO/IEC 20000 scope, purpose and use
Understand the principles of the ISO/IEC 20000 standard and be able to describe its scope, purpose and use. On completion of the course the candidate should be able to describe:

  • The scope, purpose and use of the ISO/IEC 20000-1 and ISO/ IEC 20000-2 documents and the use of “shall” and “should” statements.
  • The principles of a service management system including the need for :
    • Basing the overall quality management system on a structured hierarchy of policy, process and procedures
    • Focusing on quality, measurement and improvement driven by business and customer requirements
    • Taking an end to end service approach
    • Management responsibility and control
    • Good customer relationships o Demonstrating control of suppliers and outsourcers
    • Recognition of the contribution of staff
  • How ISO/IEC 20000 relates to ITIL® and other standards and best practice approaches that are commonly used in an organization such as ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 27000, and COBIT®.
  • Terms and definitions within ISO/ IEC 20000-1.

(2)-Understanding ISO/IEC 20000 management system requirements
Understand the principles and processes for service management and the requirements of the overall management system. On completion of the course the candidate should be able to describe the requirements of a management system including:

  • The objective and scope of the management system
  • The requirements and responsibilities of management
  • The documentation requirements including the mandatory documents and records and the role of document and knowledge management in achieving the requirement
  • The requirements for staff competence, awareness and training.

(3)- Understanding ISO/IEC 20000 service management process requirements
Understand the objectives and requirements of the ISO/IEC 20000 IT service management processes. On completion of the course the candidate should be able to describe:

  • The objectives and requirements for planning and implementing new or changed services
  • The objectives and requirements of the Service Delivery processes:
    • Service Level Management
    • Service Reporting
    • Service Continuity and Availability Management
    • Budgeting and Accounting for IT services
    • Capacity Management
    • Information Security Management
  • The objectives and requirements of the Relationship processes:
    • Business Relationship Management
    • Supplier Management
  • The objectives and requirements of the Resolution processes
    • Incident Management
    • Problem Management
  • The objectives and requirements of the Control and Release processes:
    • Change Management
    • Configuration Management
    • Release Management

(4)- Adopting the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle to improve service
Understand the approach to planning and implementing IT service management to ensure the required processes are effectively implemented, services are continually improved and the requirements of the ISO/IEC 20000 standard are met. On completion of the course the candidate should be able to describe the requirements for planning and implementing service management including:

  • Applicability, scoping and scope statements
    • Scoping requirements
    • Scope statements for certificates (and how they relate to scoping requirements)
  • Scope and objectives of planning and implementing service management
  • The plan-do-check-act methodology and its application to service management
  • The typical inputs and outputs to be managed
  • The requirements for planning service management
  • The requirements to implement service management and provide the services
  • The requirements for monitoring, measuring, reviewing and auditing
  • The requirements for continual improvement

(5)-Review, assessment and audit of ISO/IEC 20000 activities
Understand the review, assessment and audit of IT service management activities, including the use of supporting systems, tools and techniques that will enable an organization to plan and conduct reviews, assessments and internal audits of IT service management systems. On completion of the course the candidate should be able to describe the following:

  • The types of reviews, assessments and audits required by the standard
  • The techniques and approaches that can be used for conducting reviews, assessment and audits, such as audit checklists, the use of metrics and the Self Assessment Workbook for IT service management
  • How to prepare for:
    • Reviews
    • Assessments
    • Internal audits
  • What is involved in an external audit:
    • The steps involved in external certification
    • The benefits of external certification
    • How to prepare for an external audit
    • The certification process to achieve ISO/IEC 20000, including full audits and surveillance audits
    • What to expect in an audit and how to manage audit observations


Pelatihan ini menggunakan metode interaktif, dimana peserta dikenalkan kepada konsep, diberikan contoh aplikasinya, berlatih menggunakan konsep, mendiskusikan proses dan hasil latihan.

1. 50% Theory
2. 50% Practices
3. Dynamic and interactive training presentation.


The course is aimed at all levels within the organization who want to attain an overview of the elements of the ISO20000 standard and the certification process. It is envisaged the delegates would normally have at least a basic understanding of the principles of IT Service Management and a basic understanding of ITIL.



Having vast experience in the project management area with areas of exposure such as: banking IT & Telco, manufacturing, Oil and Gas industries, enhanced with application of business process improvement procedure in line with CMMI methodology; while also delivering consultancy in IT strategy and audit, and supplemented with direct involvement in the setting up of BCP and DRP complementing the establishment of DRC for local Indonesian banks and government institutions.

Business development and sales executive experienced in direct operational involvement in the information technology and telecommunication services. Major focus in satellite-VSAT/DMV/ ISBN and wireless OFDM, CDMA and embryonic form of 3G services, while having vast experiences for combined Telco solutions with diversified media and technology platforms applied in diversified Industry.

Strong exposure and with hands on knowledge of business process re-engineering and information technology implementation specializes in Enterprise Resource Planning cushioned with telecommunication network. During the exposures has presented deliverables such as:

  • Project management for Bank, telecommunication industry, Oil &Gas
  • CMMI application and Information system audit implementation
  • Set up Telco services business for Oil and Gas
  • Set up project management services and IT application services business in the Oil and Gas Industry sector
  • Set up and expand the VSAT DMV services to major Oil industry
  • Set up TETRA radio telecommunication business (NOKIA) in Indonesia, especially with Police dept and the TNI, and other government agencies
  • Developed a strategy to implement IT application especially the ERP supporting the business processes in the area of logistics and supply chain management
  • Initiated and developed a strategic alliance with a global computer company to design and market GIS system products
  • Manage strategic corporate accounts at government institutions and major private organizations on hardware, software and telecommunication services
  • Implement eTOM deployment in Saudi Telcom (STC), extensive exposure in process decomposition, and conducted BPAM and ITIL training to STC staffs
  • Lecturer in IT governance and certified project management professional and in IT security, also supply chain management
  • Develop and introduce the Integrated Logistics Services or Third Party Logistics to the Indonesian industrial community (Singapore Technology Logistics)
  • Ran organization as a business within a business based on a custom driven philosophy, by introducing new concepts, programs and direction to increase productivity and efficiencies.
  • Proven marketing and sales ability in closing management services different countries
  • Negotiated and dealt with executives of multinational on various aspects of business ventures.
  • Develop the Disaster Recovery Services business plan and execute with local and regional partners (SingTel)
  • Develop and implement strategy for the implementation of SISKOMDAGRI project-telecommunication networking of the Minister of Internal Affairs
  • Set up implement strategy for Telecommunication services business (Telco)
  • Set up Intelligent Video Network/ IVN business with Scopus International in IndonesiaStrong strategic thinker, planner, and problem solver with leadership quality for achieving bottom-line goals, including managing multi-disciplinary, cross-cultural teams toward a common purpose.

Conceived and marketed a new trend and concept of Third Party Logistics facilitate clients with outsourcing the logistics and supply chain activities in the direction of generating efficiency and productivity as related to Oil and Gas industry. Developed and implemented programs for corporate accounts and the channels for the hardware and application systems as catalyst to the business acceleration and achievement at Hewlett-Packard.


  • 10-12 Juli 2012
  • Pukul : 08.30 – 16.30 WIB


Estubizi Business Center,
Setiabudi Building 2 Lantai 1
Jl.HR.Rasuna Said ,Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan


  • Rp 4.500.000,-
  • Peserta Non-Residential.
  • Sudah termasuk Meeting Package, Training Kits, Modul Pelatihan dan Sertifikat.

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