Project Cost & Schedule Control

Project Cost & Schedule Control

Menara Kadin, Jakarta | 05-06 Oktober 2010 | Rp. 2.750.000,-/ peserta

Only a profitable organization can remain “on the scene”, and manage succesful project compeltion.

A company can only re-invest the anticipated profit margins if it employs a PROJECT CONTROL system that provides employees a framework to effectively control key milestones and expenditures on contracted work.

The key secret: ‘CONTROL’ is a PRO-ACTIVE activity.  It requires that an influence be exercised that positively affects the outcome. This means that the person seeking to control a project must take ACTION based on a well-defined plan, as opposed to REACTING to events after they have happed.

Control is not about fixing problems as much as about preventing problems and causing desired outcomes.

This two-day course provides an insight into the project control environment for small, medium, to large projects either within a multiple or single project environment; presents the necessity of planning and how to establish the baseline plan for both cost and schedule; teaches fundamentals of cost and schedule monitoring, and provides for project controls including status, progress, updates, variances, forecast, and measuring project performance



Participants are expected to be able:

  • To explain the project  control cycle
  • Prepare cost & schedule baseline
    • Measure and analyze cost/schedule  performance
  • Manage influencing factors impacting final completion and cost of project
  • Take preventive actions prior to incurrence of unnecessary costs


Where do I start and how to control my project cost?

Topics discussed:

  • Project Control Cycle and processes
  • Procedures for establishment of  cost & schedule baseline plan
  • Monitoring, tracking of cost and schedule progress
  • Change Control System
  • Cost and schedule reporting and Analysis
  • Schedule control Measures
  • Cost Control Measures ( related to direct material cost – direct labor – indirect – subcontract – and overheads)



Session No.


Explanation of subtopics and delivery method


Project Management overview & business challenges

Discussion of business challenges and how project management provides effective solution to stay ahead of competition

Slide presentation, sharing experience, reference success story


Project Control Cycle

Work flow chart, process chart, control matrix,

Brainstorming using OPERA method, open discussion


Procedures for

Establishment of cost &

schedule baseline

Step by step process to prepare job plan and budget, review and verify plan with client’s requirement and company resources, cost and schedule optimization,

Tools & techniques: milestone chart, CPM master scheduling, bottom up budgeting, check list, Group exercise using real case


Monitoring, tracking of

Cost and schedule progress

Monitoring tools, project information system, use of project WBS elements and cost accounts, updating and validation of data, Group exercises using templates


Change Control System

Control guidelines, identification and  recording of potential change, process mapping, work flow skeleton, Real case group exercises


Cost and schedule

Reporting and Analysis

Report requirements, report format, performance reporting,

Tools & techniques: performance measurement, Earned Value system, variance analysis, forecast of final cost & schedule,

Individual assignment, group exercise & presentation


Schedule control Measures

Focus project manager attention and effort to ensuring all project deliverables are completed on time, within budget, and to accepted quality,

At the same time, focus to manage potential changes impacting successful completion of project

Tool- echniques: prog. review meeting, variance analysis Case study & discussion


Cost Control Measures for

direct material cost –

direct labor – indirect –

subcontract  &overheads)

To function cost control according to work priority, meeting business objective, and apportion of cost category

Tool & techniques: progress review meeting, variance analysis,

Case study and open discussion

Note: customization to industry specific application requires inputs from users as well as the agreement of control requirement


Facilitated by certified Project Management consultant who has over 20 years in project control in diverse project undetakings including overseas assignment with Aramco Saudi & AECOM program in North Africa. — Cases simulation uses both Cost Engineering techniques and Earned Value analysis

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