Project Management Workshop : Managing Business Projects Effectively

Project Management Workshop

Managing Business Projects Effectively

Pusdiklat BULOG Lt 4, Jakarta | 21 – 24 April 2014 | Rp. 4.500.000,-/ person
Pusdiklat BULOG Lt 4, Jakarta | 22 – 23 Mei  2014 | Rp. 4.500.000,-/ person
Pusdiklat BULOG Lt 4, Jakarta | 18 – 19 Juni  2014 | Rp. 4.500.000,-/ person
Pusdiklat BULOG Lt 4, Jakarta | 27 – 28 Agustus 2014 | Rp. 4.500.000,-/ person

Jadwal Training 2014 Selanjutnya …




The nature of work today necessitates that people from different functions and levels work together to achieve results in a world of change. The structured project management approach enables management to bring together parties with diverse needs and requirements to achieve desired outcomes. Project management is today’s most critical business skill that cuts across different business areas and professions. Fortune Magazine calls project management, “Career Number 1.” Project management now used in virtually all industries, such as: healthcare, government, education, telecommunication, manufacturing, sport & entertainment, hospitality and banking.

Today business competitive advantage is achieved through successful accomplishment of a various kind of projects such as: major human resource trainings, new product development, industry certification, IT improvement, knowledge management, cost reduction program, performance improvement, outsourcing, and many others.

To gain benefits from the completion of these projects, business organizations must well manage all activities and expensive resources through competent project manager and his/her team members.


  • Increased awareness in applying Project Management methodology,
  • Produce a well defined project plan to ensure successful delivery and stakeholder satisfaction
  • Improved team collaboration through optimizing cross functional team efforts,
  • Better control of all resources used in accomplishing project outputs,


Topic Training Project Management :

  1. Overview of  Project Management-
  2. Project Initiation
    • Participatory Planning to define project objective and requirements
  3. Developing project scope statement
    • Define and organize  work scope  by WBS decomposition
  4. Project planning & scheduling, and budgeting
  5. Managing risk of project
  6. Project communication & coordination
    • Collaboration technique by Role and Responsibility Matrix (R2M)
    • Project performance reporting
  7. Team building through series of planning sessions followed by project review meetings
  8. Contract planning
  9. Monitor and control project performance


Course Benefits:

This two-day workshop trains managers and project staff to organize scarce resources, control project change and generate maximum team performance. Through a simulated case study, you learn how to successfully plan, manage and deliver projects. You also learn how to implement project management processes, develop leadership skills. At the end of the course, you take away templates and checklists for use back   at the office.



This workshop will be facilitated by experienced consultants who earned Project Management Professional (PMP) certification from Project Management Institute USA. The consultants have developed and implemented a number of projects in delivering various business results including information system, knowledge management, project procedures development, project management information system, livelihood support, and major sport event.

Lead Facilitator has worked with different organizations such as Family Health International, Indonesia Business Links/IFC GBI, IOM, ILO, Save The Children, Nipon Koei/JICA, SWISSCONTACT and World Bank.


  • Are your projects late and experienced cost overrun?
  • Do you find difficult to forecast the probability of project success when it completes?
  • Do you often face surprises caused by undesired additional works?
  • Are your team members unhappy?
  • If three of your answers are YES, You must attend this workshop!

You Will Learn How To

  • Produce a project plan to ensure successful delivery and stakeholder satisfaction
  • Plan and run projects using best practices in a methodological project management process
  • Implement risk management techniques and mitigation strategies
  • Estimate and schedule task work and duration with confidence
  • Implement monitoring tools and controls to keep you fully in command of the project
  • Recognize and practice the leadership skills needed to run a motivated team


Who Should Attend?

Individuals who need to strengthen their project management skill sets, those new to project management, or business managers seeking a reference on fundamental project management knowledge, skills and tools


Pusdiklat Bulog , Jakarta


Jadwal Training 2014

  • 26 –27 Februari 2014
  • 19 – 20 Maret  2014
  • 21 – 24 April 2014
  • 22 – 23 Mei  2014
  • 18 – 19 Juni  2014
  • 27 – 28 Agustus 2014
  • 23 – 24 September 2014
  • 27 – 28 Oktober 2014
  • 25 – 26 November 2014
  • 21 – 22 Desember 2014


Investment Fee:

  • Investasi Training Project Management : Rp. 4.500.000,- / peserta
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