TRAINING EVALUATION – (Almost Running – Kurang 2 Peserta)

Hotel IBIS Jogja | 6-8 Juni 2012 | 08.00 – 16.00 WIB | Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta  (Almost Running – Kurang 2 Peserta)
Hotel IBIS Jogja | 13-15 Juni 2012 | 08.00 – 16.00 WIB | Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta
Hotel IBIS Jogja | 25-27 Juni 2012 | 08.00 – 16.00 WIB | Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta



The reason for evaluating is to determine the effectiveness of a training program. When evaluation is done, we can hope that the results are positive and gratifying, both for those responsible for the program and for upper-level managers who will make decisions based on their evaluation of the program. It is therefore, training evaluation is crucial steps. We design this course with the aim that in just one compelling day you will gain credibility in your company as you ensure improvement the training effectiveness through the training evaluation.


  • You learn how to incorporate evaluation in program design and development
  • Provide your trainees with value-added learning experiences
  • Position your department as a valued contributor to your organization
  • Partner with line managers in helping them achieve their goals
  • Get the information you need to decide if a program should be promoted, revised or discontinued introduction / Background

Course Content

  • Introduction / Background
  1. Workshop Objectives
  2. Expectation of Participants.
  • Training Evaluation
  1. Definition and Why it is Important
  2. Process: Evaluate What and Why?
  3. Many Type of Evaluations.
  • Donald Kirkpatrick’s Four Level Evaluation
  1. Four Elements of Kirkpatrick Framework
  2. Reactions Evaluation
  3. Learning Evaluation
  4. Behavior Evaluation
  5. Results Evaluation.
  • Level-1: Reactions Evaluation
  1. Reaction Definition
  2. Why Reactions?
  3. Step in Designing Level-1 Evaluation.
  • Level-2: Learning Evaluation
  1. Learning Definition
  2. Why Learning?
  3. Step in Designing Level-2 Learning.
  • Level-3: Behavior Evaluation
  1. Behavior Definition
  2. Why Behavior?
  3. Step in Designing Level-3 Evaluation.
  • Level-4: Results Evaluation
  1. Results Definition
  2. Why Results
  3. Step in Designing Level-4 Evaluation.
  • Closing (Summary and Conclusion)

Who Should Attend
HR Practicioner, HR Deparment



Mustaqfirin, S.Psi, Msi & Team

Expert and experienced more than 10 years in Human resource and organization Management. With a proven record of teaching, training and consulting experiences and exposure to different cultures behind him, as he held several positions at various organizations.

Time & Venue

  • Tanggal   :
  • 6-8 Juni 2012 ( 3 days training)
  •  13-15 Juni 2012 ( 3 days training)
  •  25-27 Juni 2012 ( 3 days training)
  • Pukul       : 08.00 – 16.00 WIB
  • Tempat    : Hotel IBIS Jogja

Course Fee

  • Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta ( Non Residensial ) Minimum 3 peserta
  • Rp. 5.200.000 per peserta ( Non Residential ) Minimum 3 peserta dari perusahaan yang sama ( earlybird)
  • Rp. 5.000.000 per peserta ( Non Residensial ) paket pendaftaran min 5 peserta dari perusahaan yang sama.


  • Training Kit ( Blocknote, pen, stabillo)
  • Bag or bagpackers
  • ·Module / Handout
  • ·Softcopy Materi
  • Talenta Merchandise
  • Sertifikat pelatihan
  • Training room full AC and Multimedia
  • 2xCoffe Break & 1 Lunch
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