Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)

Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) Leadership

Bandung | 19 – 21 November 2014 | IDR 8.249.000,-

Description Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) Leadership

The risk review techniques most popular for initial PHAs of entire units or of large projects, MOC reviews, and PHA revalidations are hazard and operability (HAZOP) analysis and what-if/checklist. Both of these techniques facilitate systematic, imaginative searches for process hazards and potential operational difficulties. In this PHA Leadership Training, you will also learn how to use the failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) method and you will learn how to use checklists of hazards to supplement your brainstorming analyses. You will learn the best situations and circumstances to use each technique. This PHA Leadership Training course is mostly workshops: You will lead and participate in several analyses to familiarize yourself with each technique.

Who Should Attend

  • Process engineer or project engineer
  • Operations supervisor
  • PSM coordinator
  • E, H, & S Managers & Engineers

What You Will Learn in 
 Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) Leadership ?

  • How to perform a PHA to meet PSM requirements for initial PHAs and management of change analyses including these critical elements:
  • How to prepare for the PHA; Scope the PHA; Collect information; Select the team; Lead a meeting; Document results
  • How to analyze operating procedures for critical accident scenarios
  • How and when to apply HAZOP, FMEA, and/or what-if/checklist analyses methods to any process system in any industry

Course Outline 
 Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) Leadership

  1. Introduction: Learning objectives; Overview of process safety management; Risk assessment concepts; Overview of PHA requirements
  2. Overview of risk review methods: Methods and their usefulness over the life cycle of a process; Making risk judgments; Human factors concepts and how to address human factors during hazard evaluations
  3. Preparing for the hazard evaluation (risk review or PHA): Scoping the analysis; Choosing technique and level of detail and sections; Choosing the team members; Logistics and procedures for pre-meeting, meeting, and post-meeting tasks
  4. What-if/checklist technique: Workshop: What-if/checklist review of a continuous process
  5. HAZOP technique: Workshop: HAZOP review of a continuous process
  6. Analysis documentation, results, and follow-up: Workshop: HAZOP review of a continuous process, HAZOP/what-if techniques for analyzing procedures and batch processes
  7. Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA): Workshop: FMEA of a critical auxiliary system
  8. Checklist analysis as supplements to brainstorming methods: Workshop: Using Checklists after brainstorming methods
  9. Workshop: Estimating the schedule & labor required to perform a PHA


Dr. Bambang Murtjahjanto, M.Sc, P.E.

He has experienced in HSE, Quality and Engineering including for PHA Leadership training for almost 30 years. His career began as HSE Engineer at Roy Huffington, Inc (Hufco – Badak) in 1982 – 1987, Gas plant manajer at PT. Asahimas Flat Gas, Operation Manager at Dupont Chemicals, Inc USA and South East Asia Manufacturing Manager GE Power and Locomotive USA. As a professional trainer and consultant, he already served many companies, including PT. INKA, PT. Jawa Power, PT. Agaton Mandiri, PT. PAL Indonesia, McDermott Batam, Chevron Pasific Indonesia, Kondur Oil Co, PT. Pertamina Drilling Service, Total Elf Senipah, JOB Pertamina – Talisman, etc. He was graduated from Instrumentation Engineering ITS – Surabaya, hold Master Graduate in Reliability Engineering and PhD in Engineering System, University of Century – Albuquerque NM USA.


  1. Bandung, 1 – 3 April 2014
  2. Jakarta, 9 – 11 Juli 2014
  3. Bandung, 19 – 21 November 2014


  • Pendaftaran per peserta IDR 8.249.000,-
  • Pendaftaran & Pelunasan 2 minggu sebelum training IDR 7.999.000,-
  • Gratis orang ke 5, untuk pendaftaran 4 orang dari satu perusahaan


Modul Training yang berkualitas (hardcopy dan softcopy), Training Kit: tas, Block Note, ballpoint, termasuk jaket atau t shirt, Lokasi training yg nyaman di hotel berbintang empat / lima, Makan Siang, coffee / tea break, Sertifikat,Flash disk berisi materi training, Foto bersama seluruh peseta training Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) Leadership Training


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