Technical Report Writing

Technical Report Writing

Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi, Jakarta | 15 – 16 October 2014 | Rp. 4.345.000
Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi, Jakarta | 10 – 11 December 2014 | Rp. 4.345.000


The major focus of this technical writing course is the technical report. The early, short assignment involving instructions or descriptions and the like give you practice using headings, lists, notices, and graphics; in handling numbers and abbreviations; and of course in producing good, clear, well-organized writing



  • Review sample technical writings, correct errors and establish critical standards for technical writing
  • Use various techniques for communicating technical information to non-technical readers
  • Edit preliminary drafts of technical documents for clarity, economy, and emphasis
  • Use appropriate graphic devices to enhance report readability and facilitate easy access and retrieval of information
  • Evaluate and test readability
  • Evaluate organization, paragraph structure, and critical format elements of technical reports to enhance easy use and retrieval of information



  • Understand the type of technical report you are writing
  • Reporting Research Findings
  • Simple Technical Information Report
  • Technical Specifications
  • Technical Evaluation Reports
  • Technical Recommendation Reports
  • Technical Manual and Instructions
  • Write down your specific aim
  • Keep Technical term to a minimum
  • Use example and illustrations
  • Use diagrams, flowcharts and graphs
  • Use good layout to draw attention to key technical information
  • Test your document with intended readers.



Engineers, scientists, planners, administrators or other professionals who write or edit technical reports. It will help you develop planning, engineering, research, environmental, and other technical reports.

Workshop Leader :
Ir. Rahmat Priyo Handono, MM
Ir. Rahmat Priyo Handono, MM adalah seorang praktisi dan trainer di bidang teknik industri dan manajemen. Setelah lulus dari ITB Bandung jurusan Teknik Industri dan Magister Management dari PPM Jakarta, ia bekerja di sebuah perusahaan asing. Kemudian bersama dengan beberapa rekan alumi ITB, ia mendirikan dan membesarkan sebuah perusahaan pemasok genset system yang sempat menguasai pasar telekomunikasi di Indonesia dan telah bekerjasama dengan PT Excelcomindo, PT Indosat, PT Telkom, PT Telkomsel, Bakrie Telecom, Smart Telecom dan HCPT dalam deployment jaringan mereka, khususnya dalam penyedian back up power. Selama mengembangkan perusahaan miliknya itu, ia mendapatkan pengalaman praktis yang luas di bidang management operasi, financial dan sumber daya manusia. Saat ini ia juga aktif sebagai professional trainer di beberapa lembaga trainer dan telah berpengalaman memberikan berbagai topic training untuk perusahaan-perusahaan seperti Chevron, Total, Holcim, Star Energy, Indoenesian Power dan Viar.



  • Rp. 3.250.000,- (Group; REG for 3 person/more; payment before H-7)
  • Rp. 3.500.000,- (Early Bird; REG before H-7; payment before H-7)
  • Rp. 3.950.000,- (On The Spot; payment on the day)
  • Rp. 4.345.000,- (Full fare)
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