Piping & Pipeline : Design Standars And Integrity System

Piping & Pipeline : Design Standars And Integrity System

Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel, Yogyakarta | 30 Oktober – 2 November 2013  | Rp 9.000.000



Design of oil pipelines and/or natural gas pipelines involve the application of mass, energy and force balances, material selection, line sizing, topography and elevation gradients, working pressure, pressure drop, and the related parameters such as erosional velocity, friction factor, flashing, condensation, corrosion, scaling, deposition, and multiphase flow problems. There is no a single approach to pipeline integrity. Mechanical, civil, chemical, metallurgical, unit operations and many other interrelated factors are the basis of the whole design.

This pipeline integrity design based on standards, codes and recommended practices, especially that of the API, ASME, ANSI, ASTM, NACE, and all good and common practices. Integrity of the pipeline must be considered from the beginning of the design, to assure that the line is able to operate without failure. The installed pipeline must be in the low risk category. Protection for anticipating internal and external damage must be included in calculation.

Pipeline failure may lead to disaster; fire, explosion, or poisoning. So that, safety is the most importance in pipeline. For that reason, safety considerations will be placed as the first in the pipeline integrity design.



After completion of this course, participants will understand the concept of and approach to pipeline integrity and pipeline design, how to determine pipe diameter and wall thickness, either for oil & gas or produced water, how to select the pipe material, what and how to calculate, all based on common standards and good practices



  • Surface Production Operations, Facility, and Equipment, and the Asset Management
  • Hazard Assessment for Effective Pipeline Integrity Management
  • Safety Considerations and Pipeline Failure Mitigation Control Requirements
  • Pipeline Design Standards, Codes and Recommended Practices
  • Pipeline Sizing, Wall Thickness Criteria, and the MAWP
  • Corrosion Allowance and the Remaining Service Life
  • Pipe Material Specification and Standard Dimension
  • Free Span Pipe; Layout, Elevation and Topography
  • Pipeline Design Calculation; Design and Operating Pressures
  • Pipe Material Requirement, Examination, Testing and Inspection
  • Pipeline Integrity Systems and Risk Assessment
  • Examples and Case Studies



This course is prepared to understand pipeline integrity design, for either junior engineer or non-pipeline-engineering personnel who involve in oil & gas operations, maintenance, design, asset integrity management, or other function, and any related business activity, whatever his or her background is



Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation



  • 30 Oktober – 2 November 2013
  • Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel Yogyakarta



  • Rp9.000.000,- / participant / Nonresidential
  • (Minimal 4 participant)



  • Training Kit
  • Handout
  • Certificate
  • 1 x Lunch
  • 2 X Coffee Break
  • Souvenir
  • Pick Up Participant


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