Yogyakarta | 22 – 24 April 2019 | Rp 6.500.000/ peserta
Yogyakarta | 27 – 29 Mei 2019 | Rp 6.500.000/ peserta
Yogyakarta | 26 – 28 Juni 2019 | Rp 6.500.000/ peserta
Yogyakarta | 29 – 31 Juli 2019 | Rp 6.500.000/ peserta

Jadwal Training 2019 Selanjutnya …




Pelatihan ini bertujuan memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kepada perwira dan awak kapal serta petugas yang bekerja di kapal bagian mesin untuk dapat melaksanakan pemindahan bahan bakar (fuel transfer) dari satu kapal/tongkang ke penampung di platform yang lain dengan aman.



Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, peserta diharapkan memiliki kompetensi dan  mampu :

  • Menjelaskan dan melaksanakan cara-cara yang aman untuk memindahkan bahan bakar / fuel transfer dari platform satu ke platform yang lain.
  • Menyusun rencana dan pembagian tugas pemindahan bahan bakar (fuel transfer) serta petugas yang mengawasi pompa dan selang dan peralatan pemindah bahan bakar lainnya.
  • Menjelaskan dan menggunakan peralatan pencegah kebakaran dan polusi karena tumphan minyak.
  • Selanjutnya dapat memberikan petunjuk kepada setiap orang yang akan melakukan perpindahan bahan bakar / fuel transfer antar platform.



Peserta pelatihan adalah perwira dan awak kapal bagian mesin yang bekerja di kapal atu alat apung lainnya.



  1. Penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) dan alat keselamatan di laut.
  2. Persiapan peralatan pemindahan bahan bakar (fuel transfer) antar platform.
  3. Persiapan peralatan pemadam kebakaran, perlatan pencegahn polusi tumpahan minyak dan peralatan pengaman lainnya yang diperlukan  dalam pelaksanaan kerja.
  4. Diskusi interaktif



Capt. Bob Subandrio, M. Mar

Capt. Bob Subandrio, M. Mar  was born in Semarang, 11 July 1962. His formal education are as following: Merchant Marine Academy MPB III, B.P.3.I.P Jakarta  MPB II, B.P.3.I.P Jakarta  MPB I, General Pilotage Course Australian Maritime College, Mooring Master Education at Jakarta    , Competency Test Safety Health & Loose Preventing, ISPS Code Training at Jakarta, Others Training Development Dimensions International, Up Dating Ahli Nautika 1 ( ANT 1 ) / Master Mariners. Mr. Bob Subandrio has good valuable job experiences as following As Apprentice MV. Ganda Bhakti (Learning, Practise on the motor vessel Ganda Bakti for become junior Officer), As Second Mate MV. Niaga 29 (The hole responsibility navigator officer on motor vessel Niaga 29, Meratus shipping company), As Second Mate MV. Meratus, Meratus Shipping company (The hole responsibility navigator officer on motor vessel Meratus), As Third Mate MV. Pearl Glory, Perintis Line shipping   Company (Safety equipment officer motor vessel Pearl Glory), As Chief Officer MV. Pan Asia Satu (The hole cargo officer and vise of  master Pan Asia Express line shipping company), As Instructor Marine Merchant Academy (The hole responsibility university level instructor), As Chief Officer MV. Pangempang (Cargo officer and vise of  master pangempang jayanti shipping line company), As Master MV. Caraka Jaya Niaga III-17(the hole responsibility as the master of the ship / General Leader, hold on all responsibility during ship operational, Kresna abadi Line shipping company), As Branch Manager PT Carsurin Ltd. Balikpapan (The hole responsibility running operational surveyor company on Balikpapan Indonesia), As Master MT. Lumintu (the hole responsibility as the master of the ship / General Leader, hold on all responsibility during ship operational, Langgeng Shipping Company), As Master MV. Surya Tulus (the hole responsibility as the master of the ship / General Leader, hold on all responsibility during ship operational, Surya shipping company),  As Sr. Specialist Marine / Berthing Master of Mining company Newmont Nusa Tenggara (The hole responsibility berthing / un berthing vessel 60.000 – 100.000 m/t DWT, Supervisor Loading / unloading during vessel alongside at the wharf benete Indonesia, supervisor loading /unloading ship to ship during vessel stay on benete  bassin Indonesia, lead 165 person who work at benete port control), and present Mr. Bob Subandrio becoming As  Instructor University Level ( Universitas Hang Tuah ) and sometimes as Mooring Master hire by PT TJS and duty on MT Pradapa. ,  and also As Mooring Master in Tuban Marine Terminal JOB Pertamina PetroChina East Java . ( The  hole responsibility  handling  all  Tanker  with Tandem system and supervisor  Loading Crude Oil ). With these his much real valuable experiences and good knowledge He will share to participants of his industrial training class.


VENUE : Yogyakarta (Ibis Styles Hotel/ Ibis Malioboro Hotel/ Jambuluwuk Hotel/ Cavinton Hotel/ Grand Zuri Hotel, dll)


DURATION :   3  days


Jadwal Training 2019

  1. 22 Apr 2019-24 Apr 2019
  2. 27 Mei 2019-29 Mei 2019
  3. 26 Jun 2019-28 Jun 2019
  4. 29 Jul 2019-31 Jul 2019
  5. 26 Agust 2019-28 Agust 2019
  6. 23 Sep 2019-25 Sep 2019
  7. 28 Okt 2019-30 Okt 2019
  8. 25 Nop 2019-27 Nop 2019
  9. 02 Des 2019-04 Des 2019



  1. 6.500.000/person (full fare) or
  2. 6.250.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
  3. 5.950.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)



  1. Training Module
  2. Flash Disk contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Backpack
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with Full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
  10. Qualified Instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training – VV (if minimal participants is 4 persons from the same company)


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