Epicentrum Walk Office, Jakarta | 27 – 28 Februari 2020 | Rp 5.250.000
Epicentrum Walk Office, Jakarta | 04 – 05 Juni 2020 | Rp 5.250.000
Epicentrum Walk Office, Jakarta | 02 – 03 Oktober 2020 | Rp 5.250.000


 Strategic HR Management – (26%)
Global Talent Acquisition and Mobility – (22%)
Global Compensation and Benefits – (18%)
Organizational Effectiveness and Talent Development – (22%)
Workforce Relations and Risk Management – (12%)

Setelah sukses program CPHRM yang mencetak ribuan alumni tersebar diseluruh Indonesia dari berbagai industri (Telco, Oil & Gas, Mining, Agro, Bank, Health, Insurance, FMCG, Pharmaceutical, dll). Kini saatnya para professional SDM Indonesia mempersiapkan diri dalam kancah terbuka untuk memenangkan Indonesia dalam persaingan global dengan membangun SDM berkarakter dan memiliki visi dan kemampuan standard Internasional.

Program CGPHR ini di desain bagi praktisi SDM yang ingin memahami lebih dalam konsep pengelolaan SDM secara universal, sangat penting bagi mereka yang mempunyai tanggung jawab mempersiapkan SDM dengan konsep global talent, serta para professional HR yang tengah  mempersiapkan diri berkarir dalam lingkungan korporasi multi-national serta bagi mereka yang mengelola fungsi penugasan staf internasional.

Sisi strategis program ini bagi perusahaan adalah antisipasi sejak dini menghadapi tingkat persaingan yang semakin hiper-kompetitif, dengan melakukan “upgrading”  para praktisi SDM perusahaan untuk membangun strategi, system, policy dan implementasi program-program HR yang sanggup  memenangkan persaingan nasional dan internasional.



  1. Local & International HR Toolkit (template & toolkit yang bisa digunakan dan dimodifikasi sesuai kebutuhan).
  2.  Software-software HR aplikatif yang digunakan untuk mempercepat kerja HR (HRIS, Training, Desain Organisasi, Project Management, Assessment & Recruitment, International Job Evaluation Methode, Salary Structure).
  3. Module lengkap pembelajaran international HR (Strategic HR Management, Global Talent Acquisition and Mobility, Global Compensation and Benefits, Organizational Effectiveness and Talent Development, Workforce Relations and Risk Management.
  4. Berbagai format perjanjian kerja global talent.


Kurikulum Utama Standard SHRM & HRCI

Strategic HR Management – (26%): Learn how to develop global HR strategies to support your organization’s short- and long-term business goals and corporate values.

  • Participating in creating the organization’s global strategy
  • Aligning HR processes and activities with the organization’s global strategy
  • Adapting processes to the cultural and legal contexts of each  area of the global organization
  • ·Enhancing communication between the organization and its stakeholders
  •  Ensuring that the HR function possesses the skills, knowledge, and resources to fulfill its  global role

Global Talent Acquisition and Mobility – (22%): Learn about the development, implementation, and evaluation of global staffing strategies to support organizational objectives in a culturally and contextually appropriate manner. This includes the recruitment, hiring, preparation, and global mobility of employees to meet business needs.

  • Developing global talent strategies
  • Implementing the strategies, translating them into day-to-day activities
  • Evaluating the strategies to ensure that they make significant contributions to the organization

Global Compensation and Benefits – (18%): Learn about the establishment and ongoing assessment of a global compensation strategy, including remuneration, benefits, and perquisite programs aligned with the company’s business objectives.

  •  Complying with local compensation practices, laws, and regulations
  •  Accommodating varied employee values  and expectations  stemming from differences  in cultures, languages, and communication preferences
  • Dealing with different standards and costs of living, and multiple currencies, exchange rates, inflation/deflation rates, tax systems, and tax rates
  • Addressing organizational business changes (expansions, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, greenfield operations,  and divestitures)

Organizational Effectiveness and Talent Development – (22%): Learn about the design, implementation, and enrichment of organizational structures, programs, and processes to effectively develop and engage a global workforce aligned with the organization’s business needs, culture, and values.

  • Managing talent and performance of local and international assignees
  • Establishing employee engagement, training, and development programs
  • Creating and implementing leadership development and change management initiatives

Workforce Relations and Risk Management – (12%): Learn about the establishment of processes and practices that protect or enhance organizational value by managing risk and addressing employee rights and needs on a global basis.

  •  International, supranational, and national labor-related standards and laws with which global HR  must ensure compliance
  •  The most common forms of workforce organizations with which HR professionals may work (e.g., labor unions and works councils)
  • HR practices that promote a positive work environment.
  •  Managing HR risk in a global context



  • Classroom presentation and discussion
  •  Interactive activities
  • Competency-Based Assessments
  • Role plays
  • Mini projects


HR Senior Staff & Manager, Praktisi SDM yang bertanggung-jawab dalam mempersiapkan sdm dan organisasi korporasi muti national,  HR Profesional yang mengembangkan dan implementasi Global HR Strategy dan mengelola HR operations overseas & international assignment management. Serta bagi para staf manajemen yang ingin berkarir di perusahaan gobal baik di Indonesia maupun di luar Indonesia.


Ujian dilakukan secara online sesuai dengan merujuk pada kurikulum SHRM dan standard HRCI. Bagi peserta akan diberikan 2 (dua) sertifikat kehadiran dan kelulusan. Khusus bagi peserta yang lulus uji kompetensi “Competency-Based Assessments” berhak mendapatkan kualifikasi CGPHRM akreditasi oleh HCMI (Indonesia Human Capital management Institute) & PT. Freemind Management Consulting.



Bima Hermastho

Konsultan Senior Organisasi & SDM, telah mensertifikasi lebih dari 1000 profesional di bidang HR, Training, OD, Rewards, Industrial Relations, Total Productive Management, Lean Six Sigma, Balanced Scorecard. Saat ini membantu  menangani project  implementasi Balanced Scorecard, Talent  Management, Workload Analysis dan Transformasi Pengupahan pada BUMN dan beberapa perusahaan Multi National. Selain itu aktif membimbing dalam sertifikasi HR International bagi para senior professional SDM di salah satu BUMN terbesar di Indonesia dalam program HRBP, HRMP & GPHR dengan ujian internasional standard HRCI (Human Resources Cerification Institute), menggunakan SHRM (Society Human Resources Management) Learning Modules. Praktisi Senior SDM & Manufacturing Improvement Technologist, memiliki pengalaman sebagai senior management di berbagai grup perusahaan lokal dan multinational dengan karyawan lebih dari 50.000 orang. Keahliannya adalah mengintegrasikan Praktek SDM Terbaik melalui System SDM yang berkualitas untuk menciptakan Keunggulan Organisasi  Berbasis Total Quality Management. Selain memimpin workshop di bidang HR, saat ini juga mensertifikasi lebih dari 400 supervisor dan manajer di bidang Lean Six Sigma & Total Productive Management di berbagai bidang industry di Indonesia. Pengajar Pengembangan Organisasi dan SDM di Lembaga Pengembangan Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan ITB, Bandung.



  • Rp. 5.250.000,- nett/ orang (Belum Termasuk Pajak)
  • Rp. 5.000.000,- nett/  orang (Pelunasan seminggu sebelum pelaksanaan) (Belum Termasuk Pajak)

**Sudah termasuk Coffee Break 2X, Makan siang, Seminar kit, Sertifikat **



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