Certified Digital Marketer

Certified Digital Marketer (CDM) – AVAILABLE ONLINE

CDM: Certified Digital Marketer Upgraded From CIMP, Lead by CDM practitioner and consultant

Graha Mustika Ratu, Jakarta | 14 – 19 Oktober 2020 | Rp 13.200.000,-
Graha Mustika Ratu, Jakarta | 09 – 14 Desember 2020 | Rp 13.200.000,-




We are proudly designated as an Authorized iBusiness Partner (AIP) by IIB Council, a division of International Council of E-Commerce Consultant (EC-Council) headquartered in the USA.

The CDM Certification verifies that its holder demonstrates sufficient knowledge and skills at recognizing the strategic importance of digital technologies to develop and execute successfully an integrated multi-screen and multi-action integrated marketing plan. The CDM Professionals are prepared to identify, reach and retain their target market by marrying internet emerging technologies to old-time classic traditional methods.



  1. Introduction to Digital Marketing
  2. Website Development
  3. Lead Generation & Management
  4. Web Analytics & Reporting
  5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  6. Campaign Marketing &Management
  7. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  8. Content Marketing & Management
  9. Email Marketing & Management
  10. Affiliate Marketing &Management
  11. Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  12. Mobile Proximity Marketing
  13. Video Marketing
  14. Strategy & Planning

*Ujian Sertifikasi


Target audience

  1. Marketing and sales people
  2. E-commerce, IT, marketing communication professional
  3. Product and brand manager
  4. Finance & Advertising manager
  5. Digital marketing consultant
  6. Student, lecturer of business/management/ marketing studies
  7. Entrepreneur & Business owners
  8. Online business starters


Exclusive Trainer

Niko Ibrahim, S.Kom., MIT., CIMP, CDM

A Digital Marketing practitioner and consultant, having his own digital marketing businesses, and with acute  background in IT, make him now become  active speaker and trainer involved in Digital Marketing, as well as  IT workshops and classes. Being a Certified Internet Marketing Professional, Certified Digital Marketing, he is also a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) and has been in security industry for 8 years. He has involved in various security related projects, assessments, audit and developed infosec policy on many Indonesian companies.


Tanggal, Waktu dan Tempat Training

Tanggal Training

  • 06 – 10 Juli 2020
  • 16 – 21 September 2020
  • 14 – 19 Oktober 2020
  • 09 – 14 Desember 2020

Waktu Training

Pkl. 09.00 – 16.00 WIB

Tempat Training

Graha Mustika Ratu
Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 74-75,
Jakarta 12870


Investasi Training

  • Rp 13.200.000,- /orang
  • Early bird: Rp 12.500.000,-/ orang
  • Pendaftaran 3 orang dari satu perusahaan : Rp 12.500.000/ orang
  • (Include: Handout 14 modul, e-courseware valid for 1 year, ujian sertifikasi, sertifikat, coffee break dan makan siang)

*masing-masing peserta membawa laptop dan modem saat pelatihan


Certified Digital Marketer (CDM) Upgraded From CIMP


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