Kiat Membangun Self Intrapreneurship

Kiat Membangun Self Intrapreneurship

Jakarta | 09 – 10 Maret 2015 | Rp 3.500.000
Jakarta | 11 – 12 Mei 2015 | Rp 3.500.000
Jakarta | 08 – 09 Juli 2015 | Rp 3.500.000
Jakarta | 10 – 11 September 2015 | Rp 3.500.000
Jakarta | 09 – 10 November 2015 | Rp 3.500.000



Bagi organisasi yang sedang bertransformasi (BUMN-Kementrian-Swasta), sangat diperlukan pegawai dengan mindset entrepreneur namun tetap berada di payung organisasi. Ya, organisasi membutuhkan pegawai Intrapreneur dengan perilaku yang kreatif – proaktif – produktif – efektif agar organisasi makin berkembang. Ikutkan pegawai anda agar tak perlu lagi  disuruh-suruh dan melempem.


Tujuan dan materi Workshop: 

Hari 1: Intrapreneurkan diri

  • Beradaptasi dengan perubahan
  • Mentalitas Intrapreneur
  • Membentuk Passion : Goal dan motivasi – Pain and pleasure -Menjaga state / mood
  • Membentuk karakter dan mindset : etos kerja , berpikir positif , proaktif, think outside the box.

Hari 2: Intrapreneurkan team dan internal process

  • Komunikasi efektif berbasis Intrapreneur
  • Cara menghadapi masalah dan tim yang sulit
  • Membedah perbaikan proses ala Jokowi di Solo
  • Tujuh faktor ketidakefisienan yang menghambat produktifitas


Trainer :

Daniel Hadinata Saputro, MM.MBA.

Daniel Saputro is a Senior Corporate Consultant in several companies. He is known as Mr Scorecard and successfully diagnoses the most important priorities to address in many organizations. He suggests a change‐management plan, and then guides the organizations through the necessary change Nuqul Group (Jordan ‐ Middle East) was one of his clients. Nuqul Group embraces 31 regional and global companies, with 3000 employees in Jordan and over 5500 worldwide. Daniel also assisted Change Management Program in Coal Mining company from Thailand, handled Managers Development Programs and improving corporate system using Strategy Map, KPI and Balance Scorecard His main expertise is in improving the effectiveness of people and organizations by: 1) Establishing relationships with key personnel in the organization 2) Researching and evaluating systems in the organization to understand dysfunctions and/or goals of the systems in the organization 3) Identifying approaches (or “interventions”) to improve effectiveness of the organization and its people; 4) Applying approaches to improve effectiveness 5) Evaluating the ongoing effectiveness of the approaches and their results


Investasi :

Rp 3.500.000,- termasuk ( Souvenir, Flash disk, materi hand-out dan CD modul, 2x coffee break, makan siang dan sertifikat )


Tempat :

Hotel Harris Tebet – Jakarta Selatan



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