Jakarta | 28 – 30 April 2015 | Rp 5.000.000
Jakarta | 09 – 11 Juni 2015 | Rp 5.000.000
Jakarta | 26 – 28 Agustus 2015 | Rp 5.000.000
Jakarta | 05 – 07 Oktober 2015 | Rp 5.000.000
Jakarta | 21 – 23 Desember 2015 | Rp 5.000.000



Objectives IT Problem Management

Participants  can expect to gain knowledge and understanding the following issues in IT upon successful and completion of the training such as:

  • Handling complex issues (Situation Appraisal).
  • Analysing problems (Problem Analysis).
  • Making decisions (Decision Analysis).
  • Avoiding future problems (Potential Problem Analysis
  • Understand how these skills assist in the delivery of Incident and Problem Management.
  • Improve  ability to manage customer problems and escalations.
  • Provide managers and engineers with tools to handle issues rationally
  • Maximize questioning effectiveness.
  • Give techniques for handling complex customer issues.
  • Understand how IT Problem Management process fits within participants’ jobs.
  • Make progress toward resolution of several current customer issues


Descriptions IT Problem Management

The purpose of IT  Problem  Analysis and  Management  course  is to deliver competency  and assures that participants  have  gained knowledge of the terminology, structure and basic concepts of IT Problem  Analysis and Management and Incident Management which encompasses processes and has comprehended the processes of Situation Appraisal, Problem Analysis, Decision Analysis and Potential Problem Analysis that support Problem Management and Incident Management.

The course  is also intended to enable the participants to start and  apply the basic concepts of the processes listed above in Problem Management and Analysis as related to the application and operation of Information Technology system.

The syllabus will guide the design, development and use of training materials as well as training aimed at raising individual’s understanding of, and competence in, Situation Appraisal, Problem Analysis, Decision Analysis and Potential Problem Analysis within the framework of Problem analysis and Incident Management.

The syllabus has been designed with ease of reference, extensibility and ease of maintenance in mind.


Target Audience IT Problem Management

  • Individuals who require a basic understanding of the rational processes and how they may be used to enhance the quality of Problem Analysis and Management within an organization.
  • IT professionals that are working within an organization that has adopted and adapted Problem Management framework and and  who need to be informed about and thereafter contribute to an ongoing service improvement program. This may include but is not limited to, IT professionals, business managers and business process owners
  • Managers involved and related in the IT operations
  • IT staff and executives involved in risk management and  business process improvement
  • Information technology professionals involved in projects that are concerned, in part, with the automation of business processes .


Course Contents and Descriptions IT Problem Management

Segment1: Introduction

The purpose of this segment is to highlight and emphasize on:

  1. Familiarize candidates to the objectives of the course.
  2.  Explain the concept of the ‘thinking process’.
  3. Provide an opportunity for ‘candidates’ to discover their own issue resolution styles.
  4.  Overview the steps of KT’s rational process of Situation Appraisal, Problem Analysis, Decision Analysis and Potential Problem Analysis.
  5.  Explain the role that these four processes play in Problem Management and Incident Management.

Segment 2: Situation


The purpose of this segment  is to:

1) Explain the definition of an incident and a concern.

2) Explain how to “List Threats and Opportunities”.

3) Explain how to “Separate and Clarify”.

4) Explain how to “Set Priority”.

5) Explain how to “Plan Next Steps”.

6) Explain the role of questioning in Situation Appraisal

 Segment 3: Problem Analysis

This  segment shall describe on the  IT Problem Analysis and focusing on the followings:

1) Explain the definition of a problem.

2) Explain how to “Describe Problem”.

3) Explain how to “Identify Possible Causes”.

4) Explain how to “Evaluate Possible Causes”.

5) Explain how to “Confirm True Cause”.

6) Explain the role of questioning in Problem Analysis.

Segment 4: Decision Analysis

The segment shall describe to the participants on the decision analysis process which encompasses:

1) Explain the definition of a decision.

2) Explain how to “Clarify Purpose”.

3) Explain how to “Identify Alternatives”.

4) Explain how to “Evaluate Alternatives”.

5) Explain how to “Make Decision”.

6) Explain the role of questioning in Decision Analysis.

7) Explain how to effectively “Present Recommendations”.

8) Explain how to effectively “Assess Recommendations”.

Segment 5: Potential Problem Analysis

This segment shall describe to the participants how to analyze potential problems as they are inherent in IT processes, which encompassing:

1) Explain the definition of an action and a plan.

2) Explain how to “Identify Potential Problems”.

3) Explain how to “Identify Likely Causes”.

4) Explain how to “Take Preventive Action”.

5) Explain how to “Plan Contingent Action and Set Triggers”.

6) Explain the role of questioning in Potential Problem Analysis.

Segment 6: Questioning and Listening Skills

The purpose of this segment  is to describe on soft skill as required and covering  :

1) Explain the role of questioning in  rational processes.

2) Explain the characteristics of effective questions.

3) Explain the techniques of “Open” and “Closed” questioning and their purposes.

4) Explain the two techniques of “Questioning to the Void” and their purposes.

5) Explain the difference between “Process” and “Content” questions.

6) Explain the concept of “Handling Answers

Segment 7: Problem Analysis Techniques

This segment emphasizes on the techniques to be implemented in problem analysis with the purpose as the followings:

1) Build on basic Problem Analysis concepts to understand advanced Problem Analysis concepts.

2) Explain how to use Problem Analysis concepts for “Start-Up Problems”.

3) Explain the “Stable”, the “Multiple” and the “Fluctuating” types of Start-Up Problems.

4) Explain how to use Problem Analysis concepts for “Intermittent Problems”.

5) Explain how to “Think Beyond the Fix”.

6) Explain the purpose and use of Dead Time Studie

Segment 9: Implementation Techniques

The purpose of this segment is to describe on significant issues such as:

1) Explain the Performance System model and how it is used to help install change initiatives

2) Demonstrate two methods of analyzing an existing Incident and Problem Management implementation to assess future usage potential of Situation Appraisal and Problem Analysis

3) Link  model to the implementation of framework processes

4) Identify the value of an implementation as related to framework

Segment 10:

Risk Management Maturity and Performance Management

This segment shall describe the road-mapping of risk management as related to IT processes; the framework will be based on the CMM maturity level concept. This segment shall also describe performance management as related process maturity.

Segment 11:

IT Risk Management

This segment shall describe on the Information Technology risk management which is part of the organization IT governance encompassing such as: the identification, assessment, and prioritization of IT operation risks, control and control objectives, and  followed by coordinated and economical application of IT resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events.


Trainer IT Problem Management

Dr. Ir. Fauzi Hasan, MM, MBA

Dr. Fauzi Hasan Pada saat ini adalah President American Academy untuk Chapter Indonesia yang melingkupi American Academy of Project Management dan American Academy of Finance Management yang berpusasat di Colorado Spring, Colorado USA.

Pengalaman Dr. Fauzi Hasan diperkaya dengan keterlibatannya pada beberapa proyek terkait Business Process Modeling dan Improvement yang selaras dengan standard dan metodologi CMMI (Capability Maturity Model and Integration), dimana dalam akhir dekade ini banyak membantu organisasi Pemerintah dan Bank dalam membangun dan mengimplementasi Crisis Management Strategy seperti pembuatan BCP (Business Continuity Plan) dan DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan).

Dr. Fauzi Hasan telah memberikan  kontribusi langsung untuk penyelesaian dan keberhasilan penerapan Frameworks dan Best Practices seperti: ITIL, COBIT, PMBOK, Prince2, TOGAF, ISO 20000, ISO 27000, ISO 38500, COSO dan yang lain  diberbagai bidang industri. Sebagai seorang profesioal yang kompeten di bidang teknologi informasi, manajemen proyek dan proses bisnis ini dibuktikan dengan dimilikinya sejumlah sertifikat Internasional terkait tata kelola teknologi informasi dan industri (IT and Industrial Goverannce).

Dr. Fauzi Hasan dalam karirnya sebagai executive telah bekerja di beberapa perusahaan lokal maupun internasional seperti: Philips Netherlands, Sony , Warner Lambert, Singapore Technology Logistics, Hewlett-Packard,  EMTEK Group, Intergraph,  Jatis eCom-Sumitomo Group, dan ERESHA Group.


Duration    :

3 Days


Investasi IT Problem Management

  • Rp 5.000.000,-
  • termasuk ( Souvenir, Flash disk, materi hand-out dan CD modul, 2x coffee break, makan siang dan sertifikat )


Tempat :

Hotel Harris Tebet, Jl. Dr. Sahardjo No. 191 – Jakarta Selatan



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