Advanced Rigging

Lifting Supervisor bertanggung jawab memastikan semua pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan rigging dilakukan dengan aman & efisien

Jakarta | 24 – 28 Agustus 2020 | Rp 9.500.000/ peserta
Jakarta | 21 – 25 September 2020 | Rp 9.500.000/ peserta
Jakarta | 26 – 30 Oktober 2020 | Rp 9.500.000/ peserta
Jakarta | 23 – 27 November 2020 | Rp 9.500.000/ peserta

Jadwal Training 2020 Selanjutnya …




Lifting Supervisor is in charge of the initial work of erecting the load and to ensure that all rigging work is carried out in a safe and efficient manner, adhering to the regulation and to sound established customs and practices.

The first consideration must at all times, be directed toward the safeguarding life and limb. This consideration must extend to all persons in vicinity or likely to enter the vicinity.



At the end of course, the participant should be able to:

  • Observe general safety first rules and carry out his duties in a safe and responsible manner.
  • Have knowledge of safe working load of the crane he is working with.
  • Have a full knowledge of hand signal (Australian/ New Zealand Standard)
  • Understand the correct type of sling, hook shackle etc. for load.
  • Have knowledge of the use of lifting beams, slings and chains.
  • Understand the effect of doubling crane hoist rope on safe working.
  • Understand use of rope, chain and shackle.
  • Understand not to use damaged wire rope or fiber rope, slings or chain where the links are not free or kinked wire rope.
  • Understand when slinging a load, pack between sling and load at all point where load has sharp corners, so as to prevent damage to sling.
  • Design and apply the knowledge of lifting and lifting plan in their daily work



Day 1

  1. Introduction:
  2. Definition of Dogger, Slinging & Crane Operator
  3. Roles & Responsibilities of Rigger:
  4. Rigger Certification System
  5. Roles & responsibility of Crane Operator
  6. Roles & Responsibility of Dogger
  7. Roles & Responsibility of Slinger
  8. Roles & Responsibility of Traffic Controller / Flagman
  9. Roles & Responsibility of Lifting Supervisor
  10. Accident & Prevention
  11. Legislative Requirement:
  12. International Standard: AS/NZS
  13. Roles and Responsibilities: Crane operator, Crane Owner/End User, Facility/Site Owner, Lift Coordination, Lift Engineer/ Rigging Specialist, Workers and Crane Mechanic
  14. Hazard And General Safety:
  15. Outriggers and Crane Stability
  16. Comparative Soil Bearing Capacities
  17. Crane Selection Guide
  18. Electrical Hazard
  19. Public Road / Pedestrian Hazards
  20. Utilities Overhead and underground
  21. Accidents and Lesson learn
  22. Signalling And Communication:
  23. Two way Radios
  24. Conventional Radio
  25. Trunked Radio
  26. Radio Direction for Crane Driver
  27. Bell or Whistle Code
  28. Hand Signal

Day 2

  1. Rigging Engineering Calculation
    1. Determination on Centre of Gravity
  • Rectangular Object
  • Round or Oval Shape
  • Multiple Load / Object
  1. Rigging Engineering Calculation
  2. Volume Calculation
  • Rectangular Object
  • Round or Oval Shape
  • Triangle Object
  • Cone Object
  • Multiple Load/ Object

Ropes & Knots for Rigger (Synthetic & Natural)

  • Figure of Eight
  • Reef knot
  • Single Bowline
  • End Splice
  • Eye Splice
  • Sheet Bend
  • Timber Hitch
  • Rolling Hitch
  • 2 and Half Hitch
  • Tagline Hitch
  • Clove Hitch
  • Etc
  1. Rigging Engineering Calculation
  2. Calculation of Mass

Basic Mass Calculation for Various Shapes of Loads Normally Engaged During Crane Operation versus volume

  • Concrete/ Cement
  • Steel (Mild/ Hard)
  • Liquid (Water)
  • Wood
  • Sand, etc

** Guidelines for Steel pipe, steel bar, Angle Bar, Mild Steel Plate, Mild steel plate bar, C-Channel, Universal Beams, Universal Columns, etc

  1. Lifting Appliances
  • Selection on Sling material
    • Sling wire FSWR 1570
    • Sling wire FSWR 1770
    • Chain Sling GT80 / G100
    • Synthetic Webbing (Flat/Round Slings)
  • Stacking and Clearances
  • Clearance
  • Stacking Steel Plate
  • Stacking Rolled Steel Coils And Other Round Loads
  • Stacking Timber
  • Care, Maintenance, and Inspection on Sling Material
  • Spreader Bar vs Stabilizer Bar
  • Use of Slings / Hoists And Tag line
  • Determination of W.L (SWL versus WLL)
  • Minimum Breaking Force (MBF) and its usages

Day 3:

  1. Rigging Engineering Calculation
  • Safety Factor requirements
  • Lifting Material & Human
    1. Sling wire FSWR 1570
    2. Sling wire FSWR 1770
    3. Chain Sling GT80 / G100
    4. Synthetic Webbing (Flat/Round Slings)
  • ‘choke’ / Hitch Factor
  1. Rectangular Load
  2. Round Load
  • Sling Angles Factor
  1. Sudut 30o
  2. Sudut 45o
  3. Sudut 60o
  4. Sudut 90o
  5. Sudut 120o
  • Determination of sling Strength based on diameter & Safety Factor
  1. Sling Wire
  2. Synthetic Sling
  3. Chain Sling
  • Determination of Sling length and lifting angle

Day 4:

  1. Rigging Engineering Calculation
  • Inspection of Slings & shackles and attachments
  1. Sling Wire (5%)
  2. Chain Sling (5%)
  3. Synthetic Sling

Note: Determination of acceptance condition of slings and attachments. (Category 1 and Category 2)

  1. Rigging Engineering Calculation
  • Calculation of Multiple Sling
  1. SWL Sling 1
  2. SWL Sling 2
  • Multiple Crane Lifting / Multiple @ Large Loads
  1. Tendem Lifting
  2. Crane Selection and Ordering crane
  3. Crane type vs Load Chart & Working Radius
  • Mobile Crane
  • Crawler Crane
  • Role & Responsibility of Lifting Supervisor
  • Designing Lifting Plan
  • Special Lifting (Professional Engineer Interferences): Lifting Specialist in General

Day 5 :

  1. Practical session on:
    1. Determination of COG
    2. Determination of Volume & Mass
    3. Selection of slings
    4. Lifting Techniques
    5. Hand Signaling & Radio Communication
  2. Inspection of Crane & Lifting Hoist appliances
  3. Manual Lifting & Mechanical Lifting
  4. Gin Wheel Application & Limitations
    1. General Knowledge
    2. Assessment Legislation
    3. Assessment Calculation (Lifting Plan)



Michael Ferdinand Surjadi



Jakarta (Maxone Hotel Menteng, Balairung Hotel Matraman, Sentral Hotel, Haris Tebet, Gd Muamalat Institute, Ibis Manggadua, Little Amaroossa Residence, Cosmo Amaroossa, Zodiak MT. Haryono, Grand Tjokro)



5 Days



  1. 24 Agust 2020-28 Agust 2020
  2. 21 Sep 2020-25 Sep 2020
  3. 26 Okt 2020-30 Okt 2020
  4. 23 Nop 2020-27 Nop 2020
  5. 30 Nop 2020-04 Des 2020



  1. 9.500.000/ peserta (bayar penuh) atau
  2. 9.250.000/ peserta (early bird, yang membayar 1 minggu sebelum training) atau
  3. 8.950.000/ peserta (peserta bergroup yang terdiri dari 3 peserta atau lebih dari 1 perusahaan yang sama)



  1. Modul Training
  2. Flashdisk Training berisi materi training
  3. Sertifikat
  4. ATK: NoteBook dan Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Ransel
  7. Foto Training
  8. Ruang Training dengan fasilitas Full AC dan multimedia
  9. Makan siang dan 2 kali coffeebreak
  10. Instruktur yang Qualified


Advanced Rigging


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