Leading Creatively and Managing Your Talents – Build Winning Business Teams

Leading Creatively and Managing Your Talents – Build Winning Business Teams

Amaris La Codefin/ Santika Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta | 09 – 10 Agustus 2018 | Rp. 4.595.000,-
Amaris La Codefin/ Santika Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta | 13 – 14 September 2018 | Rp. 4.595.000,-
Amaris La Codefin/ Santika Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta | 22 – 23 November 2018 | Rp. 4.595.000,-



Overview Training Leading Creatively and Managing Your Talents

This seminar is designed to provide leaders and professionals with a set of transformational tools and techniques to help them maximize their own and their team’s creative potential. Its starting-point is self-discovery: participants will work on the inside first and then focus outwards to impact on the world of business.

The focus of the seminar will be on thinking in different ways. Participants should be prepared to move out of their comfort zone and experiment with new ways of creating and communicating an inspiring leadership vision.

Fun, fast, and highly effective, this training will stimulate your thinking, recharge your batteries, and spark your outside-the-lines creativity as you inspire your employees to excellence.

You will learn how to support an environment of creativity, innovation, and passion, regardless of what type of company you work for. You will learn once and for all what people need from their leaders, and even more important, you’ll learn exactly how to give it to them.


Program Outline Training Leading Creatively and Managing Your Talents

Developing Self Awareness

  • Importance of Self-Concept
  • Understanding personality styles
  • Personality Profiling (CCT Taylor Hartman)
  • Optimizing our personality strengths
  • Adaptability in dealing with different personalities
  • Overcoming Personal Blockers to Creativity

Creative Leadership Intelligence

  • Unleash your Leadership Potential
  • Delegating tasks and responsibilities
  • Influencing and inspiring people
  • Identifying personality disorders
  • Managing difficult behavior & poor performance
  • Solving people problems at work
  • EQ for building trusting relationships
  • Emotional Intelligence Practice
  • Relationship Management through Modeling & VAKG

Motivating innovative & creative thinking in the workplace

  • Motivating High performance Team
  • Building Confidence and Inspiring your People
  • Utilizing emotion to drive action
  • Unleash Creativity and Innovation at Work
  • Thinking in New Boxes
  • Creativity tools, techniques & strategy



Rafael Antonius, SE,MM – CEO / Founder MasterInsight

Sebelum mendirikan MasterInsight Consulting beliau berkarir sebagai Director of Marketing & Bussiness Support Division di perusahaan logistics, juga di sebuah perusahaan pelayaran asing, dan CEO sebuah online retail company.

Memiliki pengalaman sebagai konsultan bisnis serta seorang Leadership & Personality coach dalam berbagai proyek di beberapa perusahaan logistic, trading, distributor, bank, telco dan perusahaan retail, online company  serta  Start-up company / UKM untuk proses pengembangan manajemen perusahaan, peningkatan penjualan, pembentukkan teamwork dan produktivitas kerja karyawan.

Beliau juga berpengalaman belasan tahun sebagai corporate trainer untuk pengembangan eksekutif,Leadership coaching, Sales Team Development, Creative & System Thinking dan Managing your People.

Beliau adalah lulusan Magister Manajemen dari Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen – Program Paska Sarjana – LPPM, Jakarta. Spesialisasi keahlian yang dimiliki adalah bidang Leadership, Budaya Organisasi dan Pengembangan Organisasi dan Pengembangan Usaha dan investasi UKM. Selain sebagai konsultan, beliau juga aktif sebagai instruktur dan fasilitator untuk executive soft skills dan juga staf pengajar di bidang Corporate Culture & Organizational Behavior di Program Sarjana dan Paska Sarjana Unika Atmajaya Jakarta dan Universita Multimedia Nusantara (UMN).



  • Rp. 3.550.000, – (Registration 3 person/more; payment 1 week before training)
  • Rp. 3.850.000, – (Reg 2 weeks before training ; payment 1 week before training)
  • Rp. 4.250.000, – (On The Spot; payment at the last of training )
  • Rp. 4.595.000, – (Full Fare)


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