Banana Inn Hotel, BANDUNG | March 05-07, 2012 | Rp. 8.400.000,- participant



Be aware of your surroundings. Many hazards are obvious to those who open their eyes and minds to safe them. Safety is a way of life and should be thought about so often that it simply becomes second nature. Identifying hazard is an important part of keeping you and co-workers safe.

The Oregon OSHA provides an excellent definition of a hazard as: “a danger which threatens harm to employees” or “unsafe workplace conditions or practices (dangers) that could cause injuries or illness (harm) to employees.”

Who Could Participate in This Course?

Process Engineer, Facility Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Project Engineer, Project Manager and those who get involved in Hazard Identification.

The reason why you should participate in this course is because risk in facility should be known and managed at acceptable value.

Who is The Instructor?

Azis Trianto, Ir. MSc., D. Eng, a Registered Assistant Professor at Department of Chemical  Engineering in Bandung Institute of Technology. He holds a Bachelor degrees in Chemical Engineering from ITB and Master Degree in Chemistry from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. He also got his Doctor in Japan but from a different university, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, graduate in 2001. In 2003 he took his Post Doctoral “Japan Society for Promotion of Science Fellow Department of Chemical Engineering”, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan.

Azis Trianto, Ir. MSc., D. Eng started his career as a Research Associate. During that time and until now on, he is also a member of Chemical Engineering Department in Bandung Institute of Technology. Lecturing and have lectured on Chemical Engineering Thermocynamics, Material and Energy Balances, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Utility System, Separation Processes, Chemical Process Safety and Chemical Process Design Courses. Since 2008, he has been believed to be a Chairman of Graduate Program at Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology.

He has authored and co-authored over 20 selected papers and has contributed to numerous project and study. A partial list of his clients include: PT. Badak NGL, PT. Krakatau Steel, PT. Risalah, Conoco Phillips, PT. Koneba, CNOOC, JOB Pertamina-Hess, Medco and JOB Pertamina Petrochina East Java. His patent with Kokugan, T: Catalytic Reactor with Porous Membrane Partition Wall, Manufacture of Chemical Substances using Same, and Reaction Apparatus using Same.

For nine years he conducted numerous Course such as Occupational Safety and Health, Gas Processing and Process Control, Laboratory Management, Hydrocarbon Piping System Simulation, Quantitative Risk Assessment, and QRA and RBI Methology.

The Facilities that you will get during Course are:

Three-day registration fee for all Training sessions; Quality Training Material (Hardcopy and Softcopy);

  • Quality Training Kits;
  • Convenient Training Facilities at Four Star Hotel;
  • Refreshment and luncheons,
  • Certificate of Completion,
  • Dinner with entertainment at the cozy restaurant.

Registration Fee (Exclude 10% Tax, Exclude Accommodation)

Registration until February 25, 2012

  • o Rp. 8.400.000,- participant
  • o Rp. 8.000.000,- participant for 3 or more from 1 Company
  • o Rp. 7.500.000,- participant for 5 or more from 1 Company

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