Corporate Finance Overview: The Tool for Value Creation of Companies

Corporate Finance Overview: The Tool for Value Creation of Companies

Sahid Jaya Hotel, Jakarta | Tuesday – Wednesday | 23 – 24 Jun, 2009 | 09:00-16:00 WIB | Rp. 2.750.000


Latar Belakang
Corporate Finance Overview: The Tool for Enhancing Business Values ini didisain untuk membantu dan meningkatkan pemahaman dan pengetahuan dan kemampuan praktis tentang konsep-konsep, metode-metode, dan model-model serta strategi keuangan yang dapat diaplikasikan secara integratif di dalam perusahaan untuk meningkatkan nilai pemegang saham.


Manfaat Pelatihan
  1. Mengetahui secara komprehensif secara teori, manfaat aplikatif dari konsep-konsep, metode-metode, dan model-model corporate finance yang penting serta cara bagaimana mengaplikasikannya dalam perusahaan
  2. Mengetahui dengan baik bagaimana menganalisis keuangan perusahaan, analisis kebijakan investasi, kebijakan financing perusahaan, serta financial engineering yang memperhitungkan risiko keuangan perusahaan.
  3. Mengetahui dampak nilai pemegang saham (shareholder value impact) dari berbagai alternatif kebijakan keuangan perusahaan.


Siapa yang Harus Hadir
Dalam rangka meningkatkan nilai perusahaan, Para Presidents Director / General Manager, Finance Director, Finance / Accounting / Tax Managers, and also professional di bidang Finance and Accounting yang ingin mengetahui konsep-konsep, metode-metode, dan model-model corporate finance yang penting serta manfaat dan aplikasinya di dalam dunia bisnis.


Course Outline
1. Fundamental concepts of Corporate Finance
a) Objective of the Firm and the Role of Corporate Finance
b) Shareholder Value Maximization Paradigm
c) Shareholder Value and Corporate Governance Frameworks
d) The Role of Corporate Finance
2. Financial Analysis
a) Fundamental concepts in Financial Analysis
1. Cash flows
2. Earnings
3. Capital employed and invested capital
4. Walking through from earnings to cash flow
5. Getting to grips with consolidated accounts
6. How to cope with the most complex points in financial accounts
b) Financial Analysis & Forecasting
1. How to perform a financial analysis.
2. Margin analysis: Structure.
3. Margin analysis: Risks.
4. Working capital and capital expenditures.
5. Financing.
6. Return on capital employed and return on equity.
7. Conclusion of financial analysis
3. Investment analysis
a) Investment Decision Rules
1. The financial markets
2. The time value of money and net present value (NPV)
3. The internal rate of return (IRR)
4. Incremental cash flows and other investment criteria
5. Measuring value creation
6. Risk and investment analysis
b) Risk of Securities and the Cost of Capital
1. Risk and return
2. The cost of equity
3. From the cost of equity to the cost of capital
4. The term structure of interest rates
4. Corporate Financial Policies
a) Financial Securities
1. Enterprise value and financial securities
2. Bonds
3. Other debt products
5. Options
6. Hybrid securities
7. Selling securities
b) Capital Structure Policies
1. Value and corporate finance
2. Capital structure and the theory of perfect capital markets
3. The trade-off model
4. Debt, equity and options theory
5. Working out details: the design of the capital structure
c). Equity Capital and Dividends Policies
1. Internal financing: reinvesting cash flow
2. Returning value to shareholders: dividend policies
3. Capital increases
5. Managing Financial Engineering
a) Valuation and Financial Engineering
1. Valuation.
2. Choice of corporate structure
3. Taking control of a company
4. Mergers and Demergers
5. LBOs
6. Bankruptcy and restructuring
b) Managing Net Debt and Financial Risks
1. Managing  cash flows
2. Asset-based financing
3. Managing financial risks



  • Rp. 2.750.000
  • + Discount 50% bagi Peserta ke 4 dari Satu Perusahaan yang Sama
  • + Exclusive Note Book Bag



  • 1 Kali Makan Siang
  • 2 Kali Coffee Break
  • Makalah
  • Sertifikat


Tuesday – Wednesday | 23 – 24 Jun, 2009 | 09:00-16:00 WIB


Sahid Jaya Hotel
Jl. Jend. Sudirman 86, Jakarta


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