Excellent Telephone Techniques and Ethics For Call Centre Agent

Excellent Telephone Techniques and Ethics For Call Centre Agent
Harris Hotel Tebet /Hotel Aryaduta Semanggi, Jakarta | Saturday – Sunday, 8-10-2011 – 9-10-2011| Rp 3.150.000,-

The call centre agents are critical factor for companies since they are the first contact to the company’s customer. The Excellent Telephone Techniques and Ethics training provide a comprehensive training program to the participants to increase service level performance and customer satisfaction

Training Objective :

By the end of this course, participants will:

  • Understand the most common barrier to provide customer service by telephone and how to overcome it
  • Understand “self-talk”
  • Be aware of body language and impact
  • Have learned the difference between listening and hearing
  • Identify strength and weaknesses of their telephone styles
  • Identify methods for diffusing customer anger
  • Develop strategies to handle difficult customer

Who should attend ?
Call Centre Agents, Customer Service Representative, anyone seeking to acquire the skills involved in these roles.

Training Method:
Skills are extensively practised during the workshop so that the participants are ready to implement new directed behaviour on their return to work.

Outline :

  • Introduction
  • Concept of High Quality Customer Service by Telephone
  • Effective Communication Skill
  • Winning Telephone techniques and etiquette
  • Professional Telephone manner
  • Customer Service enthusiasm
  • Active Listening
  • Complain Handling
  • How to handle difficult customer
  • Telephone closing

Course Leader

Haikal J. Mukhtar ST, MM

Praktisi yang telah berpengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun di bidang Sales, Keuangan dan Perbankan serta telah bekerja di beberapa perusahaan MNC dalam berbagai posisi managerial. Sebagai seorang lulusan Magister Management – Finance and Banking dari Universitas Indonesia dan the Citibank Asia Pacific Banking Institute, Mr. Haikal menghadirkan suatu percampuran yang unik antara akademisi dan pengalaman praktisional terutama meliputi berbagai project di dalam dan luar negeri, penempatan di berbagai posisi dan wilayah wilayah di dalam negeri serta pengembangan bisnis di sektornya Sebagai fasilitator dari beberapa modul pelatihan khususnya dalam bidang Sales, Keuangan dan Perbankan, Mr. Heikal melengkapi setiap modul pelatihan yang diselenggarakan dengan aplikasi komputer praktis barbasis MS Excel, sehingga materi lebih mudah dipahami sekaligus diimplementasikan di tempat kerja.

Jadual & Lokasi :

  • Saturday – Sunday, 8-10-2011 – 9-10-2011
  • Harris Hotel Tebet /Hotel Aryaduta Semanggi


Fee/Investasi :

  • Rp 3.150.000,- (Full Fare)
  • Early Bird Rp 2.950.000 untuk pembayaran sebelum tanggal 1 Oktober 2011
  • Untuk pendaftaran Group sebesar Rp 5.600.000 untuk pendaftaran 2 orang peserta


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