Understanding Risk Assessment The International Training And Certification Program From UL University

Understanding Risk Assessment
The International Training And Certification Program From UL University

Amaris Cihampelas Hotel – Bandung | July 27-28, 2011 | Rp 6.600.000,

Sekilas UL University :

UL University merupakan lembaga pelatihan dan sertifikasi internasional yang dibentuk oleh UL (Underwriters Laboratories) yang berkedudukan di Northbrook-IL-USA. Topik pelatihan UL University meliputi bidang-bidang seperti Alat Kesehatan, Software Kedokteran, Industrial Control Panels, NEC, Plastik, Fire Safety, Berbahaya Lokasi, OSHA, ITE dan banyak lagi. . Didirikan lebih dari 100 tahun yang lalu, UL tetap berkomitmen untuk membantu Anda memenuhi kebutuhan pasar global penting untuk bisnis Anda, memberdayakan Anda untuk bereaksi lebih cepat terhadap perubahan kondisi pasar.
Materi pelatihan disampaikan langsung oleh expert dari UL dalam “Bahasa Inggris”, dan setelah anda menyelelesaikan pelatihan ini, maka berhak atas sertifikat internasional dari UL (Underwriters Laboratories) Northbrook-IL-USA

Overview of Workshop

This is a two-day training to help participants understand the concept of Risk Assessment and how to develop mitigation plans. This training can help participants from different functions identify potential risks in their area of work, evaluate the extend of impact and implement immediate actions to control, minimize and eliminate them.

Workshop Topic

  1. What is Risk Assessment?
  2. Identification of Hazards
  3. Frequency of Hazards
  4. Evaluation of Risk
  5. Documentation and Implementation of Findings and Evaluation
  6. Review of Assessment and Update
  7. Exercise
  8. Discussions, Questions, and Answers

Who Should Attend

Senior Executives, Director, Managers and Engineers in the following functions: Senior Executive Strategic Planning Plant Operations Managers & Superintendents Fire Safety Officers Quality, Health & Safety Process Operation Procurement Facility Planners


The proposed speaker is a qualified engineer and practitioner from UL with extensive experience in the field of fire equipment evaluation and industry practice.

Waktu dan tempat:

  • Amaris Cihampelas Hotel – Bandung
  • July 27-28, 2011


  • IDR 6.600.000,-/peserta.

Participants for each class: 15-20

Available for In-house and Public Training

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