A-Two day Practical Training
Hotel Pomelotel, Jakarta | 26 – 27 September 2018 | Rp 3.750.000,-
Hotel Pomelotel, Jakarta | 12 – 13 Desember 2018 | Rp 3.750.000,-
“If organizations are so aware of the need to retain talent, then why do they not seem to be getting better at doing it ?”
“Why are the most talented often the most rewarding people to have in your team and yet, at the same time, the most challenging to manage ?”
Businesses need talented people. Any domain, which is complex and competitive, dynamic and innovative, is obviously going to need talented people. You don’t need yet another program to tell you that. We’re taking that proposition for granted.
Program Topics:
- Reflecting on talented people
- Who defines talent ?
- The managerial definition of talent
- An underlying expectation
- The underlying tension
- A theory on managing talented people
- Alerting talent
- Enabling talent
- Inspiring talent
- The practices of managing talented people
- The nature of the challenge
- What is practical advice
- Managing talent in action
- A plan of action
Learning Methodology:
Each topic is introduced with a 30 – 45 minutes lecturette. This is followed by a structured learning activity (e.g., case study). Each session is capped by the integration of insight shared by the participants.
Participants must bring samples of their current talent management profiles from a unit/department/job family in their organizations. In the absence of such materials, current job descriptions from a unit/department/job family must be brought to the program workshop.
Duration :
2 (two) days intensive program, which include evening sessions for workshop output completion &/or assignments with group.
Target Participants :
Human Resource, Human Capital and Line Staff/Supervisors/Managers who have been involved in Human Resource Development. Executives and managers of strategic business units, organization functions, and human resource development professionals and champions.
M Arief Indrawan
Investment Fee:
Rp 3.750.000 /peserta