Train-the-Trainer Certification Program: Developing The Leader Within You™

Developing The Leader Within You™
Train-the-Trainer Certification Program

Grand Hyatt Hotel, Jakarta |  18-19 January 2010,  | Rp. 5. 000 000/ Person

“Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership” – John C. Maxwell
Developing The Leader Within You

  • Elevating Leadership to Greater Levels
  • The most successful workshop from John C. MaXWel

Leaders need to grow if their organizations are to grow. Effective leaders play the most important part in the success of any organization. In this workshop, participants will learn how to lift the lid of leadership and enable their organizations to grow beyond their current level. The higher leaders rise, the higher they take their organizations and ensure the long-term success of their organizations.
This interactive workshop will assess the participant’s current leadership level, integrate the laws of leadership and create a Maximum Action Plan that participants can take back and implement into their daily practices. It aims to equip participants with the simple yet powerful principles, values and laws of leadership that can bring about positive behavioral changes to enhance their leadership effectiveness

Who should attend
Anyone involved in leading others, who need to raise their level of leadership effectiveness and are involved in leading other leaders would find this workshop practical, relevant and impactful.

  • Government Leaders
  • Corporate Leaders
  • NGO Leaders
  • Anyone aspiring to be a leader


  • Law of influence
  • Introduction to the 5 levels of leadership
  • Uncovering your level of leadership
  • The law of connection
  • Leading with integrity
  • Values based leadership
  • The law of priorities
  • Becoming a focused leader
  • The quickest way to gain leadership
  • The 5 step equipping process
  • Motivating the unmotivated
  • The law of navigation


  • Internalize the most important laws of leadership effectiveness.
  • Recognize and remove the leadership lid that is holding back your leadership potential.
  • Master the 5-step equipping process for massive growth or your leadership team.
  • Learn the secrets to inspiring the people you lead.
  • Create your personal Leadership Action Plan to ensure lasting behavioral change.
  • Achieve your highest level of leadership potential.



Januar Hadihardjo (International John C. Maxwell’s Signature Trainer) has more than 20 years experience in management, life insurance, marketing and training. With a concentration in leadership, teamwork and marketing, he has spoken at seminars, workshops and facilitated training on these topics for many prominent companies and institutions in Indonesia. He used to work for some reputable national banks and life insurance companies and now he is a Vice President in a leading insurance company. In addition, he has been a Certified John C. Maxwell Signature’s Trainer since 2006.

Mr. Urgyen Rinchen Sim is an International Coach & Consultant, Entrepreneur, and Businessman who has a lot of experiences in business practically. Started his “Business Experiences & Journey” when he was 16 years old, Mr. Sim has several awards for his best achievement in multi sector of business, such as: Insurance, Property Agent & Real Estate, and Investment & Financial Services; while he was worked with several joint venture company in Indonesia and Singapore after graduated.
While developing his own business right now, he is still running positions as the shareholder, managing partner, commissioner & Director of several national & International company in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, China, Hongkong and UAE.
He has a Bachelor Degree in Real Estate from one of the most reputable university in Indonesia, and Master of Science in business Administration Degree from one of the most prestigious university in the world and has an International Certification of John C. Maxwell Train to Trainer & Consultant. He has also Honored & Bestowed a special Achievement & Honorary Title from THE ORDER OF THE ROYAL HONOR from Kingdom of Great Britain as a Man of Honor in Highest Order as”Official Aspirant to Knighthood”.


Fact About John C. Maxwell

John C. Maxwell is an internationally recognized leadership expert, speaker, and author who has sold over 16 million books. EQUIP, the organization he founded has trained more than 2 million leaders worldwide. Every year he speaks to Fortune 500 companies, international government leaders, and audiences as diverse as the United States Military Academy at West Point, the National Football League, and ambassadors at the United Nations. A New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Business Week best-selling author, Maxwell was named the World’s Top # 1 Leadership Guru by He was also one of only 25 authors and artists named to’s 10th Anniversary Hall of Fame. Three of his books, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Developing the Leader Within You, and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader have each sold over a million copies.
John C. Maxwell, America’s authority on leadership, is founder of Maximum Impact,® an organization dedicated to helping people maximize their potential. Each year, John C. Maxwell speaks in person to more than 350,000 people and influences the lives of more than one million throught seminars, books, and tapes. He is the author of more than 30 books, including The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, a New York Times, Business Week, and Wall Street Journal betseller. He currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia.

Fee    :

Rp. 5. 000 000/ Person


Dates & Venue :

18-19 January 2010, Grand Hyatt Hotel



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