Bandung | 02 – 05 Februari 2015 | Rp 7.950.000,-/peserta
Bandung | 09 – 12 Maret 2015 | Rp 7.950.000,-/peserta
Bandung | 30 Maret – 02 April 2015 | Rp 7.950.000,-/peserta
Bandung | 04 – 07 May 2015 | Rp 7.950.000,-/peserta
Bandung | 22 – 25 Juni 2015 | Rp 7.950.000,-/peserta
Jadwal Training 2015 Selanjutnya …



Kegiatan yang ada di industri manufaktur merupakan bidang dengan kegiatan beragam, mulai dari industri hulu sampai industri hilir. Dari beragam kegiatan tersebut industri pemesinan termasuk salah satu jenis industri yang menonjol peranannya untuk menghasilkan komponen dengan ketelitian geometrik yang tinggi.

Beberapa jenis industri yang diklasifikasikan oleh  ISIC (International Standard on Industrial Classification) pada umumnya pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan proses pemesinan mempunyai peranan yang menonjol pada hasil akhirnya.

Untuk mendukung sistem produksi yang memadai diperlukan tenaga kerja yang handal atau peningkatan keahlian tenaga kerja profesi Proses Pemesinan (Machining).


Para praktisi tingkat operator, tingkat penyelia atau perencana bidang proses pemesinan pada industri manufaktur.


Setelah mengikuti pelatihan inipara peserta diharapkan memiliki

  • pemahaman lebih tentang pengetahuan proses pemesinan (proses bubut, gurdi, sekrap, freis, dan proses gerinda).
  • Keahlian dalam merencanakan proses pemesinan secara optimum untuk pembuatan produk dengan tingkat ketelitian tinggi.



1.   Pahat (Cutting Tool)

  • Mekanisme pembentukan geram
  • Temperatur pemotongan
  • Keausan atau kerusakan pahat
  • Material dan umur pahat

2.   Proses bubut (Turning)

  • Elemen dasar dan prinsip proses bubut
  • Perencanaan kondisi pemotongan proses bubut

3.   Proses gurdi (Drilling)

  • Elemen dasar dan prinsip proses gurdi
  • Perencanaan kondisi pemotongan proses gurdi

4.   Proses sekrap (Shaping)

  • Elemen dasar dan prinsip proses sekrap
  • Perencanaan kondisi pemotongan proses sekrap

5.   Proses freis (Milling)

  • Elemen dasar dan prinsip proses freis
  • Perencanaan kondisi pemotongan proses sekrap

6.   Proses gerinda (Grinding)

  • Elemen dasar dan prinsip proses gerinda
  • Perencanaan kondisi pemotongan proses gerinda

7.   Optimisasi proses pemesinan (Optimization of machining)

  • Waktu produksi dan ongkos produksi total
  • Kondisi pemotongan optimum ekonomik dan produktif


was graduated from politeknik  universitas brawijaya malang for his diploma in mechanical engineering majoring on mechanical maintenance and repairing, from ITS Surabaya for his bachelor in mechanical engineering majoring on production engineering, and from ITB Bandung for his master program in mechanical engineering majoring on production engineering. Now he is as lecturer at mechanical engineering Politeknik Negeri Bandung(before as poltek ITB). Ir. Sugeng Isdwiyanudi, MT. has followed many trainings/courses to improve his competence. He is active instructor who often deliver training for industrial participants in Indonesia, many topics he teachs in training e.g.: pump and piping, Operation and Maintenance Boiler, Operator pressure vessel 1 (cooperated with Depnaker RI), Operation and Maintenance Centrifugal Pump, Effective Shutdown Maintenance, Reliability Centered Maintenance, Advanced Reliability Performance and Hidden Failure Supporting, Management Inventory Control, Alignment, Balancing, and Vibration, Rotating Equipment: Operation and Maintenance, Material technique, Oil Analysis, Maintenance Management (Preventive and Predictive Maintenance),Heavy Equipment Maintenance, Basic Mechanical, Strength of Material, Electro Pneumatic and Hydraulic, Rotating Equipment Alignment and Vibration, Operation and Maintenance Diesel Engine, Operation and Maintenance Boiler, Operation and Maintenance Pump and Compressor, Pressure Vessel and Tank, Preventive and Predictive Maintenance, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Heavy Equipment Maintenance Management, Maintenance Equipment Management for Mining, Modern Maintenance and Spare Part Management System, NDT and Quality Assurance, Integrated Material Management, Effective Production Management, Plant Life Management through Reliability Based Inspection, Maintenance Planning, Scheduling, and Coordination, Integrated Maintenance Management and Control, Implementation RCM and RBI in Industries, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), Operator Routine Daily Checklist and Driven Reliability, Measuring, Monitoring, and Analysis of Machinery Vibration, Vibration Prevention and Monitoring System, Advanced Application of CSI 2120/2130 and AMS Suite (RBM) for Condition Monitoring and Troubleshooting, Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA), NDT and Quality Assurance, Piping System.  In campus he teachs for some subjects e.g.: industrial metrology, quality control, Instrumentation and measurement, machining technique, production system and quality control, Pneumatics and hydrolics, measurement system, measuremen technique(Metrology of Geometry), mechanics vibration, management of production process, product quality control, statistics application in mechanical engineering, machining process technology, Practice of industrial metrology, pneumatics control system. In campus he has many experiences e.g.: as head of Laboratory industrial Metrology POLBAN, as head of Laboratory Metrology POLBAN, as director SPMU TPSDP POLBAN (ADB Loan 1792-INO), director assistant administration and finance SPMU TPSDP POLBAN (ADB Loan 1792-INO), head of production research group POLBAN, head of department mechanical engineering P4D, department secretary of mechanical department P4D, head of Laboratory Pneumatics and Hydrolics P4D. He invites industrial participants to share and discuss in his training class.



Bandung (Golden Flower, Banana Inn, Grand Seriti, Carrcadin, Amaroossa, Grand Serela, Gino Feruci, Verona Palace, Malaka, Zodiac Taurus)



4 days


  1. 02 Feb 2015-05 Feb 2015
  2. 09 Mar 2015-12 Mar 2015
  3. 30 Mar 2015-02 Apr 2015
  4. 04 May 2015-07 May 2015
  5. 22 Jun 2015-25 Jun 2015
  6. 06 Jul 2015-09 Jul 2015
  7. 03 Aug 2015-06 Aug 2015
  8. 07 Sep 2015-10 Sep 2015
  9. 19 Oct 2015-22 Oct 2015
  10. 09 Nov 2015-12 Nov 2015
  11. 14 Dec 2015-17 Dec 2015



  1.  Rp 7.950.000/person (full fare)  or
  2.  Rp 7.750.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training)  or
  3.  Rp 7.500.000/person (if there are 3 or more participants from the same company)



  1. Training Module
  2. Flash Disk contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Backpack
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak everyday of training
  10. Qualified instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)


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