BATAM | March 21-22, 2012 | Rp. 6.900.000,-/participant


As one of the most important functions within the organization, functions of HRM are increasingly gets the spotlight. Some parties had much to do studies, surveys, and interviews to identify the practices and the most effective process of HRM functions. These efforts deserve the appreciation due to the estuary would be beneficial to increase the contribution of HRM function in organizations. HRM function will be evaluated and measured by the measures that are bottom-line accountability HRM function can be understood by top management and other stakeholders.

In fact, the existence of HRM functions within the organization showed the values and strategic influence. Several facts show: a) increasing the budget for HRM functions, b) a very significant consequences for the organization as well as the cost of running the image when HRM practices are ineffective and problematic, and c) the merging of HRM functions with other functions and challenges of the strategic role that must be played by the HRM function.

In this perspective, all the staff and leadership in the field of HRM together to face an important challenge: ensuring that HRM function properly managed and accountable. They should have standard procedures and methods to measure the contribution of HRM functions, so that a variety of criticism from various parties concerning aspects of HRM function accountability, ROI, Value Added, and other Bottom Line Measurements can be answered.

This training will provide the practical method in a comprehensive and simple to evaluate the various typologies of HRM programs. By using a systematic process, starting of the development of frame work for evaluation until communicate the results to various stakeholders associated.

1.    Staff, Professional, and Manager in Human Resource Management area.
2.    Student and HR Lecturer.
3.    Manager and other Company Leader who related and concerned with the function of HRM.

1.    The concept of HR as a strategic partner.
2.    The concept of HRM transformation to Result-based HRM
3.    Issues related to the development of Result-based HRM.
4.    General framework for evaluating the function of HRM.
5.    Preparation of the HR Scorecard.
6.    HR Scorecard application instruction.
7.    Technique and measurement procedure of HRM contributions.
8.    Analysis and data presentation.
9.    Applicative discussion and case.

Irfan Riza, SE, Msi, MA.

  • Philosophy of Doctor in Human Resources Management (Candidate)
  • Postgraduate Program, State University of Jakarta (2010-2013)
  • Master of Arts in Conflict Transformation & Sustainable Development
  • SIT Graduate Institute, Brattleboro, VT, USA (2007-2010)
  • Awards: International Fellowship Program (IFP) Ford Foundation
  •  Master of Science in Management Studies
  • Major in Human Resources Management & Organization Graduate Program-Economics Faculty, Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta (2001-2003)
  • Bachelor of Management Studies
  • Economics Faculty, Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta (1991-1996)
  •  Lecturer/Instructor in Performance Management and Strategic HRM at STIE Mitra Jogyakarta, Indonesia, Graduate (MM) Program (2004-2007)
  •   Lecturer/Instructor in Conflic Management & Negotiation and Business Analysis at Universitas Patria Artha Makassar Indonesia, Graduate (MM) Program (2010-Now)
  •   Senior Advisor in Program Development & Local Government Affairs, Member of National Legislatives of Democratic Party from DAPIL 7 Jawa Timur (Ngawi, Magetan, Ponorogo, Pacitan, Trenggalek) (2010-2011)
  • Leadership Program in Non-Profit & NGOs  at Levinson Institute of SUNY New York, 2009
  • Campaign Management & Political Leadership Program at Levinson Institute of SUNY New York, 2009
  •  Senior Trainer/Consultant in Human Capital, Organizational Development & Change, ISO 26000 on Social Responsibility, CSR & Community Development Program at Transformasi Indonesia & Indonesia Channel, (2011-Now)
  • Certified Mediator from School of International Training, Vermont, USA on Public Conflict Management & Peacebuilding Program

Two-day registration fee for all Training sessions; Quality Training Material (Hardcopy and Softcopy); Quality Training Kits (Casio Calculator, T-Shirt, etc); Convenient Training Facilities at Four Star Hotel; Refreshment and luncheons, Certificate of Completion, Dinner with entertainment at the cozy restaurant


  •   Integrated Quality Training Material (HARDCOPY AND SOFTCOPY) & Quality Training Kits will be delivered on registration, additional papers & handouts assignment .
  • Note-taking by participants is encouraged. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.

All attendees will receive a Certificate of Appreciation attesting to their participation in the Training.  This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed Training Questionnaire.


Casual Clothing is recommended. The Training atmosphere is informal


(Exclude accommodation)

  • o Rp. 6.900.000,-/participant
  • o Rp. 6.500.000,-/participant if register 5 or more participants from 1 Company

Registration Deadline: February 24, 2012


  • Registration Form MUST be return in advance for attending the Training
  •   Full fixed fee is charged regardless of the length of time that registrant attends the Training
  • Attendees are expected to attend all Training sessions and are not permitted to attend on a partial basis.


  • Cancellation received after the registration deadline, February 24, 2012 entitles the registrant to pay 25% from total payment
  •  Cancellation on the date will be recharged 100% from the fee
  • No refund will be issued, if a registrant fails to show up at the Training on-site

Formulir Permintaaan Informasi Lanjutan / Pra-Pendaftaran Public Training
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