Advance Dreamweaver

Advance Dreamweaver

The Jayakarta  Hotel , Bandung | 2 – 4 April 2013 | IDR 5.999.000,-/ perpeserta
The Jayakarta  Hotel , Bandung | 2 – 4 July 2013 | IDR 5.999.000,-/ perpeserta
The Jayakarta  Hotel , Bandung | 1 – 3  October 2013 | IDR 5.999.000,-/ perpeserta




Advanced Dreamweaver Training course goes beyond Dreamweaver basics and gives delegates hands-on experience in using Dreamweaver’s more advanced features. Delegates will work with advanced website creation tools available in Dreamweaver, including templates, behaviours, CSS and tableless design

Course Outline :

  • Review of Dreamweaver Basics
  1. Short review of basics of laying up a page in Dreamweaver.
  2. Assembling a page in code view only, review of basic HTML
  • Data Tables
  • Advanced Cascading Style Sheets
  1.  CSS Review
  2. Using CSS Selectors including Classes
  3.  Using External, Embedded and Inline Styles
  4. How rules can conflict and over-ride each other
  • Tableless design
  1. Understanding CSS positioning rules, relative vs absolute positioning
  2. Understanding the difference between fixed and fluid designs
  3. Nested Divs
  4.  Using Background Images to style Divs
  •  Interactive Page Elements
  1. Understanding Behaviours
  2. Using Behaviours
  3.  Creating a Jump Menu
  4. Validating Form Behaviour
  5. Creating your own behaviours
  • Building Templates
  1.  Building and applying a basic template.
  2.  More advanced templates
  3. Adding optional regions and repeat regions
  • Creating Reusable Page Elements
  1.  Site Asset Library
  2.  Extending the Objects Panel
  3. Extending Dreamweaver


Who Should Attend

Programmers, Web Design


Dr. Ir. Ian Josef Matheus Edward, MT

He is the IT practitioner since 1993, a professor of Electrical Engineering who graduated from ITB doctoral degree in Telecommunications Management Electrical Engineering University of Indonesia. He is also a Project Manager with the development of system research non line of sight radio for rural areas Telkom RDC, Consulting Project Manager for the Oil Company Trunking radio, Wind Energy Team, Telemetry and Telecommunication Systems – International Project, Dubai and India Telecommunication System Project Team . He is responsible for IT training for Pertamina, Bank Indonesia, BRI and Exelcomindo.


Waktu           : 08.30-16.30 WIB
Tempat         : The Jayakarta  Hotel bandung
Tanggal        :

  • 2 – 4 April 2013 (Bacth II)
  • 2 – 4 July 2013 (Bacth III)
  • 1 – 3  October 2013 (Batch IV)


  • IDR 5.999.000,-/participant non residensial.
  • For send 3 participant discount 10 %.


  • Meeting Room Hotel ****
  • Training KIT
  • Souvenir
  • Sertifikat
  • 2 X Coffe Break + Lunch

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