This course is develop the organizational capability for engaging the workforce to achieve good Asset Management performance
Hotel Ibis Malioboro, Yogyakarta | 30 – 31 Desember 2019 | Rp 5.900.000
Jadwal Training 2020
Hotel Ibis Malioboro, Yogyakarta | 06 – 08 Januari 2020 | Rp 6.900.000
Hotel Ibis Malioboro, Yogyakarta | 13 – 15 Januari 2020 | Rp 6.900.000
Hotel Ibis Malioboro, Yogyakarta | 27 – 29 Januari 2020 | Rp 6.900.000 – RUN
Jadwal Training 2020 Selanjutnya …
Description Asset Management Professional
This course is focused on how to develop the organizational capability for engaging the workforce to achieve excellent Asset Management performance.
Topics covered include analysis of the organizational structure for the purpose of identifying changes needed for a holistic approach to asset management, change management, project management, systems thinking, training needs assessment, customer-supplier relationships, adaptive organizations and cultural discipline.
This course is targeted to leaders and asset management champions within an organizations however, anyone in a position of progressive leadership will also benefit.
The program is to increase awareness and train utility personnel on the best way to implement and use asset management to extend the life and efficiency of their water and wastewater systems.
Objectives Training Asset Management Professional
At the end of this course the participant will be able to:
- Contribute to the generation and implementation of AM policy, strategy, objectives and plans.
- Participate in asset-related risk identification, analysis and management processes and contingency planning.
- Understand the asset lifecycle and the role of appropriate tools to optimise the performance,risk and cost of assets.
- Identify the information and performance measures needed for effective asset management, and evaluate the effectiveness of asset information systems.
- Understand the financial implications of asset and asset management decisions for the organisation, and translate technical issues into business implications.
- Organisation, and translate technical issues into business implications
Course Contents and Descriptions Asset Management Professional
- Scope of Introduction
- The nature of assets and asset management
- The business context: line of sight from asset care to organisation mission
- Asset policy, strategy, objectives and plans
- Optimising performance cost and risk
- Asset-related Risk
- Risk identification
- Risk analysis
- Risk control
- Risk register and management
- Contingency planning
- Integration with non-asset risk processes
- Scope Asset Lifecycle Management
- Creating a lifecycle management plan
- Acquisition/creation of new assets
- Operation and maintenance of asset
- Modify/improve assets
- End of asset life options and replacements
- Cross-disciplinary collaboration
- Asset lifecycles within asset systems
- Asset Information
- Stakeholders
- Information needed – data information
- Static and dynamic, transactional and non-transaction information
- Gathering information
- Analysis and use of information
- Data uncertainty
- Key Performance Indicators
- Information management systems
- Knowledge management
- Financial and Business Impact
- Business drivers
- Risk as a probabilistic cash flow
- Quantifying business value including intangibles
- Lifecycle costs
- Investment comparison techniques
- Making a business case
Case Studies
Case-based discussions will be conducted with topics related to the subjects of training. Exam exercises and questions evaluation.
Target Audience
Participants from organisations where the reliability, performance and attendant risks of fixed assets have a significant impact on business performance will benefit most from this course.
Typical job roles include:
- Engineering and technical managers
- Project managers and engineers
- Operations managers and staff
- Maintenance managers and staff
- Facilities Managers
- EHS & quality managers and staff
- Procurement and supply chain
- IT & HR
3 Days
- Hotel Ibis Malioboro, Yogyakarta
- 6 – 8 Januari 2020
- 13 – 15 Januari 2020
- 20 – 22 Januari 2020
- 27 – 29 Januari 2020
- 3- 5 Februari 2020
- 10 – 12 Februari 2020
- 17 – 19 Februari 2020
- 26 – 28 Februari 2020
- 2 – 4 Maret 2020
- 9 – 11 Maret 2020
- 16 – 18 Maret 2020
- 23 – 24 Maret 2020
- 30 Maret 2020 – 1 April 2020
- 6 – 8 April 2020
- 13 – 15 April 2020
- 20 – 22 April 2020
- 27 – 29 April 2020
- 4 – 6 Mei 2020
- 11 – 13 Mei 2020
- 2 – 4 Juni 2020
- 8 – 10 Juni 2020
- 15 – 17 Juni 2020
- 22 – 24 Juni 2020
- 29 Juni 2020 – 1 Juli 2020
- 6 – 8 Juli 2020
- 13 – 15 Juli 2020
- 20 – 22 Juli 2020
- 27 – 29 Juli 2020
- 3 – 5 Agustus 2020
- 10 – 12 Agustus 2020
- 18 – 19 Agustus 2020
- 24 – 26 Agustus 2020
- 31 Agustus 2020 – 2 September 2020
- 7 – 9 September 2020
- 14 – 16 September 2020
- 21 – 23 September 2020
- 28 – 30 September 2020
- 5 – 7 Oktober 2020
- 12 – 14 Oktober 2020
- 19 – 21 Oktober 2020
- 26 – 28 Oktober 2020
- 2 – 4 November 2020
- 9 – 11 November 2020
- 16 – 18 November 2020
- 23 – 25 November 2020
- 30 November 2020 – 2 Desember 2020
- 7 – 9 Desember 2020
- 14 – 16 Desember 2020
- 21 – 23 Desember 2020
- 28 – 30 Desember 2020
Investasi & Fasilitas
- Rp 5.900.000 (Non Residential) >>> investasi 2019
- Rp 6.900.000 (Non Residential) >>> investasi 2020
- Jika Perusahaan/ Instansi mengirimkan lebih dari satu peserta pada judul dan tanggal yang sama maka akan di berikan potongan harga pada peserta kedua dan seterusnya masing – masing sebesar Rp 1.000.000 per peserta
- VIP training Rp 7.900.000 >> (2019), VIP training Rp 8.900.000 >> (2020) (4 Hari , Non Residential dengan tambahan Fasilitas Paket studi lapangan/ City tour dan Belum Termasuk Pajak PPn 10%)
- Quota minimum 2 peserta
- Fasilitas: Certificate, Training kits, USB, Lunch, Coffe Break, Souvenir
- Untuk peserta luar kota disediakan transportasi antar-jemput dari Bandara/ Stasiun ke Hotel khusus bagi perusahaan yang mengirimkan minimal 3 orang peserta)
American Academy Instructor