C# Programming Fundamental
Hotel Kalya, Yogyakarta | 03 – 05 April 2018 | Rp 6.500.000
Hotel Kalya, Yogyakarta | 15 – 17 Mei 2018 | Rp 6.500.000
Hotel Kalya, Yogyakarta | 05 – 07 Juni 2018 | Rp 6.500.000
Deskripsi Training C# Programming Fundamental
Materi ini merupakan materi dasar untuk para pengembang yang akan membuat aplikasi berbasis .NET Framework dan bahasa C#. Materi pelatihan ini meliputi konsep .NET, jenis-jenis aplikasi .NET, struktur program C#, penanganan error, hingga Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
Diharapkan setelah mengikuti training ini peserta sudah memiliki dasar yang cukup untuk melanjutkan ke materi yang lebih kompleks seperti pengembangan aplikasi desktop, web, ataupun mobile berbasis .NET.
Durasi Training C# Programming Fundamental
4 Hari.
Materi Training C# Programming Fundamental
- Introduction to C#
- Introduction Setup
- What is .NET?
- What is the CLR?
- What is the FCL?
- What is C#?
- Hello, World!
- The Compiler
- Hello, Visual Studio
- Editing C#
- Debugging C#
- Types
- Classes and Objects in C#
- Introduction
- Class Definitions
- Classes and Objects
- Constructors
- Objects and Variables
- Reference Types
- Encapsulation
- Access Modifiers
- Statics
- Computation
- Types
- Introduction
- Reference Types
- Value Types
- Method Parameters
- Structs and Enums
- Immutability
- Array
- Members: Methods, Events, and Properties
- Introduction
- Methods
- Fields and Properties
- An Overview of Events
- Delegates
- Event
- Flow Control
- Introduction
- Branching
- Switching
- Looping
- Jumping
- Exceptions
- Common Exceptions
- Try and Catch
- Try, Finally, Using
- Custom Exceptions
- Object Oriented Programming
- Introduction
- Pillars of OOP
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstract Classes
- Interfaces
- Common Inte
Tanggal & Tempat Training C# Programming Fundamental
Tanggal :
- 03 – 05 April 2018
- 15 – 17 Mei 2018
- 05 – 07 Juni 2018
Tempat : Yogyakarta
Hotel : Tentative
Investasi Training C# Programming Fundamental
Rp. 6.500.000 non residensial
Fasilitas Training C# Programming Fundamental
- Instruktur
- Hand-out
- Meeting Room dan Meeting Kits
- Cofee break 2 kali dan Lunch 1 kali
- Training kit
- Paket Souvenir