The LUXTON  Hotel Dago, Bandung | 16 – 18 Oktober 2013 | IDR 8.799.000-/peserta




A new set of courses now available through ESD Simulation Training is certified by the IWCF, a widely accepted benchmark for certification of personnel working the drilling, workover and well intervention operations.  Competency in Well Control for both Wellsite and Office-based Personnel is of paramount importance, and a contractual obligation of Drilling Contractors and Service Personnel.

This intensive 5-day hands-on course uses computer simulation, CBT+ videos and interactive workshops, with an external examination held on the fifth day. The courses will cover all three topics on which the examination is based – Equipment, Principles & Procedures, and Practical. The written examinations will be controlled by an invigilator nominated by the IWCF. The IWCF examination is valid for two years and is completed on two levels – Driller and Supervisor. Additionally two categories are addressed – Surface and Combined (Subsea). The course will serve as a refresher for individuals previously certified, as well as a detailed introduction for those without previous knowledge of Well Control practices.   This training to provide the delegate with a basic understanding of well control for SURFACE and SUBSEA installations at DRILLER or SUPERVISOR level

Course Content

  1. Primary control
  2. Fluid hydrostatics
  3. Fracture pressure offshore
  4. Well kill problems
  5. Choke line friction
  6. Drill string volume
  7. Riser margin
  8. Gas migration
  9. Well control equipment
  10. Inside BOPs
  11. Stack arrangements
  12. Trapped gas.

Who Should Attend

Drilling or production engineers as well as supervisory personels involved in completion. They should already proccess blowout prevention Certification and good basic knowledge of kick control equipment. Additionally, Operator personnel from Drilling Supervisor (Rigsite) to Senior Well Engineers will benefit from this course



To Acquaint the participant with conventional and advanced well control techniques. It is based on IWCF Sylabus standard.

Upon completion of the course, participant :

  • Know the kick couses, the procedure and equipment available to secure the well after a kick
  • Know the kick control methods
  • Know how to detect an incident while controlling the well and react accordingly
  • Have practiced on a simulator.


Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA. and Team

Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA. is a lecturer in the department of petroleum ITB since 1979 until now. He graduated from ITB graduating in 1977, then continued his education at the Diplome d’Etude Ecole Centrale de Lyon Approfondie, UCB Lyon I, FRANCE. And in the years 1985 – 1987 he took courses Docteur en Mecanique de Fluide (Methode Numerique) Ecole Centrale de Lyon, UCB Lyon I, FRANCE.

Dr. Sudjati Rachmat often become an instructor in many oil-related training to companies all over Indonesia, such as Pertamina, Chevron, Rhino LNG, Total, Vico, Mobil Oil Indonesia, Ministery of Mining and Energy, Unocal Indonesia, Lemigas, IATMI-IWPL Oil and Gas , PPTM Oil and Gas, PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia, Gulf, Arco, etc.


Waktu           : 08.30-16.30 WIB
Tempat         : The LUXTON  Hotel Dago Bandung
Tanggal         :

  • 16 – 18 Januari 2013
  • 16 – 18 April 2013
  • 16 – 18 Juli 2013
  • 16 – 18 Oktober 2013


  • IDR 8.799.000/ perpeserta Non-Residensial.
  • For send 3 participant discount 10 %.


  • Meeting Room Hotel ****
  • Training KIT
  • Souvenir
  • Sertifikat
  • 2 X Coffe Break + Lunch
  • Additional Programm ( Optional)

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