Compensation and Benefit Management – YOGYAKARTA

Compensation and Benefit Management YOGYAKARTA
Yogyakarta | 1-3  Mei  2012 | IDR 5.000.000,-
Yogyakarta | 3-5  Juli 2012 | IDR 5.000.000,-
Yogyakarta | 4-6 September 2012 | IDR 5.000.000,-
Yogyakarta | 9-11 Oktober 2012 | IDR 5.000.000,-
Yogyakarta |  12-14  November 2012 | IDR 5.000.000,-
Yogyakarta |  20-22 November 2012 | IDR 5.000.000,-
Yogyakarta |  11-13  Desember 2012 | IDR 5.000.000,-
Yogyakarta | 18-20 Desember  2012 | IDR 5.000.000,-



  1. Participants understand the Challenge and Treat of Salary Policy in line with Market competition
  2. Participants will be invited to be actively participate in doing exercises of Salary Planning, Salary Range & Salary Structure adjustment, Managing Salary Increase and designing competitive benefits (variable or incentive bonus)
  3. Share know-how among participants and looking for opportunity to implement the best practice in participant’s company


  1. Company C&B Objective
  2. C&B Policy and Strategy
  3. Wage and Salary
  4. Total Compensation
  5. Understanding Market competition
  6. Lagging or Leading in the Market, when we do
  7. Internal Pay Relation and Analysis
  8. External Pay Relation and Analysis
  9. Long term liability, how to manage it better
  10. Government Regulations relates to Minimum Wage, Salary Structure, and Termination
  11. Salary Planning, case
  12. Salary Rage and Salary Structure Adjustment, case
  13. Salary increase vs. budget, case
  14. Designing competitive benefits, case
  15. Salary Role in Managing Industrial Relations
  16. Salary & Benefit Model in Labor Intensive Company
  17. Salary & Benefit Model in Capital Intensive Company


  1. Compensation and Benefit Staff,
  2. HR Manager
  3. Outsourcing Staff


Lecturing, workshop, interactive consultation, case study, and presentation


Irfan Riza, SE, M.Sc. MA
(Pakar dan praktisi organization development)


  • 1-3  Mei 2012
  • 5-7  Juni 2012
  •  3-5  Juli 2012
  • 4-6 September 2012
  • 9-11 Oktober 2012
  •  12-14  November 2012
  •  20-22 November 2012
  •  11-13  Desember 2012
  • 18-20 Desember  2012


Hotel Grage Ramayana  – Yogyakarta


  • IDR 5.000.000,-  (non residential )



  • Quality Training Module
  • Stationeries: notebook and ballpoint
  • Training bag or backpack
  • Morning and afternoon coffee break for a long the training
  • Exclusive T-Shirt
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Training photo
  • Transportation for participants from the airport/railway station to hotel/training venue. (At least 2 participants from the same company)

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