Dealing with Difficult People – ALMOST RUNNING

Dealing with Difficult People

Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel | 4 – 6 Maret 2013 | Rp. 7.600.000,-/participants


In an ideal world, difficult behaviors would not be tolerated at work. In reality, dealing with difficult people is something many people face as part of their everyday work life. The stress of handling difficult people and tough situations can create a lack of productivity, poor attitude, and reluctance to come to work. Through hands-on activities and practice exercises, participants learn how to deal with all sorts of troublesome people and situations. This course provides the tools for handling all types of workplace behavior problems brought about by whiners, time wasters, intruders, and gossips.


At this training program, participants should be able to:

  • Articulate how their attitudes and actions impact others.
  • Describe effective techniques for dealing with difficult people.
  • Discuss coping strategies for dealing with troubling people and complex situations.
  • Identify times when they have the right to walk away from volatile situations.
  • Employ techniques for managing and dealing with anger.

The following outline highlights some of the course’s key learning points. As part of your training program, we will modify content as needed to meet your business objectives. Upon request, we will provide you with a copy of the participant materials prior to the sessions.



  • This for That: Understanding Reciprocal Relationships

        This portion of the program examines the idea that in a relationship with another person, our expectations are likely to become self-fulfilling prophecies.

  • Picture Perfect: The Agreement Frame

Anthony Robbins and many other communicators suggest we become skillful at using what Robbins calls “The Agreement Frame.” After examining this term, participants will learn how to apply it to situations in the workplace.

  • The Best Maintenance: Preventing Problems

There are several key ways that we can prevent problems from occurring. Participants will discover what these are, and they will learn eight ways of dealing with problems should they occur.

  • The Five-Step Process: Resolving Conflicts

During this component of the program, participants will look at a five-step process that can help them resolve conflict both in and out of the workplace.

  • Attitude Adjustments: Changing Yourself

In this section, we will take a deeper look at how negative attitudes can cause negative interactions and what can be done to turn those attitudes around.

  • How to Calm Down: Managing Anger

This segment explores techniques participants can use to manage their anger.

  • Just Relax: De-Stressing Options

To conclude the program, we will look at five techniques participants can use to unwind and discuss coping strategies.

  • Ø By the end of this program, participants should understand how they can better manage their relationships with challenging people and have a set of techniques they are ready to try.



  • Presentation
  • Discussion
  • Case Study
  • Evaluation



Syafaruddin Alwy



  • Training Kit/tas /flashdisk/jaket
  • Handout
  • Certificate
  • Lunch
  • 2 X Coffee Break
  • Souvenir



Rp 7.600.000,- / participant / Non residential


  • 4 – 6 Maret 2013
  • Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel

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