Design and Fabrication Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers in accordance to ASME & TEMA Codes

Design and Fabrication Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers in accordance to ASME & TEMA Codes

Hotel Grand Cokro, Yogyakarta | 26 s.d 28 April 2016 | Rp. 5.500.000,-
Hotel Grand Cokro, Yogyakarta | 17 s.d 19 Mei 2016 | Rp. 5.500.000,-
Hotel Grand Cokro, Yogyakarta | 09 s.d 11 Agustus 2016 | Rp. 5.500.000,-
Hotel Grand Cokro, Yogyakarta | 23 s.d 25 Agustus 2016 | Rp. 5.500.000,-
Hotel Grand Cokro, Yogyakarta | 06 s.d 08 September 2016 | Rp. 5.500.000,-

Jadwal Training 2016 Selanjutnya …




This course is based on the rules for heat exchangers design and fabrication as given in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sec. VIII, Div.1 and TEMA. The course will provide a comprehensive description of Code requirements including design, materials, fabrication, inspection and testing.

 Effective use of Code to satisfy the design and construction requirements will be emphasized .Detailed design calculations of heat exchanger components (shell side, tube side, saddles, lifting lugs, etc.) will be presented.

ASME Code requirements for holding certificate of authorization “U” stamp will be reviewed. Computer aided engineering programs for design of pressure vessels and how to use spread sheet programs such as Excel software in design of pressure vessels.


This course aims at improving the capability of the participating engineers to design and fabricate and test of heat exchangers.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction to heat transfer, overall heat transfer coefficient.
  2. Classification of heat exchangers.
  3. Design codes and standards (TEMA & ASME).
  4. Design criteria and strength theory
  5. Detailed construction of shell-and-tube heat exchangers.
  6. Use of design formulas curves and charts.
  7. Material selection, fabrication and welding.
  8. Hydrostatic testing.
  9. Code requirements for holding certificate of authorization “U” stamp.
  10. Computer aided engineering programs and how to become a vessel designer.
  11. Corrosion and fouling.


  • Presentasi
  • Diskusi
  • Case Study

Who Sould Attends

  • This course is designed to meet the needs of engineering and manufacturing organizations and users of Code that have to comply with TEMA and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel requirements. The course is a “must” for new employees who have been given theresponsibility for heat exchangers or for any persons who need intial or increased familiarity with Code application to the design and construction of heat exchangers will benefit by attending this course
  • This course is designed for engineers and highly qualified technicians entering the design, fabrication, inspection, operation and maintenace, plant engineers requiring background on Code compliance, plant owners, fabricators and suppliers wishing to extend their knowledge to induce a supplementary understanding of design, fabrication and installation of Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers.
  • The course also of interest to practicing piping/vessel/exchanger design and fabrication personnel interested in expanding their knowledge by interaction with other people, viewpoints, and experience in the field; and supervisory personnel requiring a review on current design and fabrication techniques and procedures.









Time & Venue


  • 26 s.d 28 April 2016/17 s.d 19 Mei 2016/9 s.d 11 Agustus 2016/23 s.d 25 Agustus 2016/ 6 s.d 8 September 2016/20 s.d 22 September 2016/ 11 s.d 13 Oktober 2016/ 25 s.d 27 Oktober 2016/ 8 s.d 10 November 2016/ 22 s.d 24 November 2016/ 6 s.d 8 Desember 2016/ 19 s.d 21 Desember 2016


Hotel Grand CokroYogyakarta


Course Fee

  • Rp. 5.500.000,- per peserta (Non Residential)
  • Rp. 5.000.000,- perpeserta ( Pendaftaran 4 peserta dari 1 perusahaan)


In House Training: Depend on request


  1. Training Modul Pelatihan (Hard copy dan soft copy)
  2. Sertifikat
  3. Training Kit
  4. Souvenir
  5. Dua kali Cofeebreak dan lunch
  6. Qualified instructor
  7. Pelayanan antar jemput dalam kota
  8. Training Photo
  9. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint


Formulir Permintaaan Informasi Lanjutan / Pra-Pendaftaran Public Training
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