Develop Monitoring and Evaluation Tools for Effective Program

Develop Monitoring and Evaluation Tools for Effective Program

Jakarta | September 28 – 30, 2011 | Rp. 5.300.000

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Community Development (CD) nowadays has become part of company’s commitment to contribute positively to the communities. In its implications, it is not easy to formulate the success level of CD and corporate performance in the implementation of CSR. This can be understood related to the diversity of social, economic, and community culture (every regions varies).

In program management, development performance and success of program is measured by monitoring and evaluation processes. Monitoring and evaluation (M & E) are important aspects of any development project. “Monitoring can be defined as a process of measuring, recording, collecting, processing and communicating information to assist decision making in project management” (Calyton & Petry, 1983). Whereas, “Evaluation is the assessment at particular time of the work impact and the extent of the defined goals have been achieved”(SCF, 1995). Monitoring and evaluation can also be used as instruments to minimize potential for conflict. This is part of continual improvement process in enhancing the company’s performance by building coordination and synergy among relevant stakeholders.

Based on the argumentation above, initiated a training on the topic “Development Monitoring and Evaluation Tools for Effective Program”, which is expected to encourage the understanding of the importance of monitoring and evaluation for the program performance of CSR / CD,  as well as provide capacity building in the method and its implementation.


  • Increase practical knowledge regarding the monitoring and evaluation of program performance of CSR / CD as a form of internal and social accountability (to stakeholders)
  • Provide capacity building on skills and ability to implement monitoring and evaluation, especially in:
  1. Monitoring and evaluation methods and tools
  2. Develop participatory monitoring and evaluation (multi-stakeholder)
  3. Planning monitoring and evaluation
  4. Utilize the results of monitoring and evaluation program CSR / CD

Learning base experience :

  • Brainstorming
  • Tutoring
  • Case Study & Problem Solving Discussion
  •  Sharing Experience


  • Adi Prasetijo, M.Si

Executive director, Lead Facilitator; has been a resource person on CSR and conflict resolution training, and experienced in a lot of mentoring programs for conflict resolution.

  • Ir. David Ardhian

Former executive director of Nastari Foundation; Facilitator and experienced in monitoring and evaluation project of companys’ CSR program.

  • Bhakti Yudhantara

Monitoring evaluation specialists of BP Indonesia.

Working unit related to CSR / CD program and community relations of various industries (extractive, consumer goods, and in general)

Jakarta, September 28 – 30, 2011 (3 days)
08.00 – 04. 30 PM
Hotel Ambhara, Jakarta
Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No. 1, Jakarta – Indonesia


  • ≥ 3 person/institution : Rp. 5.100.000/person ( Registration before 23/09/2011)
  • Reguler registration : Rp. 5.300.000/person (registration before  23/09/2011)
  • Late Registration : Rp. 5.500.000/person (registration after 23/09/2010)

*:- Fee excludes tax

  • Late registration on 23rd September 2011


  • 3 fulldays training (08.00 a.m – 04.30 p.m)
  • Curriculums and papers (hardcopy and softcopy)
  • Training kit (bag, notes, pen)
  • Documentation (Soft file in CD)
  •  book and journal
  • Lunch and snack during training

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