Pusdiklat Bulog Lt 4 Jakarta | 09 – 10 Maret 2015 | Rp.3.500.000
Pusdiklat Bulog Lt 4 Jakarta | 25 – 26 Mei 2015 | Rp.3.500.000
Pusdiklat Bulog Lt 4 Jakarta | 07 – 08 Juli 2015 | Rp.3.500.000
Pusdiklat Bulog Lt 4 Jakarta | 03 – 04 September 2015 | Rp.3.500.000
Malang | 09 – 10 November 2015 | Rp.3.500.000
As a manager or developer of occupational training programs, you’ve got to know what the experts are doing on the job. DACUM makes that connection for you.
The DACUM process for job/occupational analysis involves expert workers—the local men and women with reputations for being “the best” at their jobs. These workers tell us what they do and how they do it. That means you get accurate information directly from the people who know and do the job. And when the process is completed, you’ve got a complete DACUM chart—a graphic profile of the duties and tasks required in an occupation developed by expert workers in the occupation. This information provides a solid foundation for new program development or for updating an existing program.
DACUM is an acronym for Developing A CurriculUM. It is an occupational analysis that identifies specific duties and tasks for a job as well as knowledge, skills, and worker traits needed for the job. The resulting chart has multiple uses and often serves as a guide for developing / revising training programs to meet the needs of employers and workers. The chart can be updated periodically as the occupation changes to assure relevancy.
DACUM is the foundation for identifying learning outcomes of educational/training programs.
Peserta dapat memahami langkah langkah dalam Development of Curriculum
Materi Training DACUM
1. Learning Value Chain
2. Learning Need Diagnose
3. Models of Curriculum
- What Is Curriculum
- Some of the components of a comprehensive curriculum unit
- Characteristics of Exemplary Curriculum
- What is a curriculum model?
- Curriculum Models
4. DACUM Orientation
5. Curriculum Development and Implementation
- Phase I: Development
- Phase II: Implementation
- Phase III: Oversight and Evaluation
6. DACUM Workshop
- Manajer dan staf Human Resource.
- Manajer dan staf Bagian Training.
- Manajer dan staff Non HR
Master of Human Resources, lebih dari tiga puluh tahun bekerja dan berpengalaman di bidang Human Resources Managemenet & Development serta Training Management & Development di perusahaan nasional telekomunikasi terbesar di Indonesia, delapan tahun diantaranya sebagai Instruktur Ahli Bisnis/ Content Master/ Expert of Leadership. Pernah menjadi Direktur AKATEL Jakarta. Pernah mengikuti sertfikasi dalam dan luar negeri serta berhasi memiliki sertifikasi ( HRM & HRD, Training Evaluation & ROI, Certificated Strategic Execution Program/ Balance Scorecard,dll). Memiliki jam terbang cukup tinggi dalam bidang Learning performance.
Presentasi, Diskusi , Brainstorming,Praktek
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