ELECTRIC SUBMERSIBLE PUMP: Principles, Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Bandung | April 07 – 09, 2015 | Rp.10.900.000,-/ Participant
This course is to summarize the state of the art of Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) technology. It included the example problems to illustrate the use of various theoretical solutions, it also listed an overview of conventional well productivity and Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) technology and is general introduction to the latest methods of production optimization using ESP technology.
This course compiled as aid to engineers and production people in the Petroleum Industry who have the responsibility of planning and selecting electrically driven submersible pumping equipment. Included are fundamental principles involving sizing, operation and trouble shooting of submersible pump equipment. Also included are tables, data and general information which it will be value to everyone who utilize s submersible pumping equipment.
Much material of this course has been published previously and is reassembled in this course. However, there is also a considerable amount of new material included that will assist the participants of the course in their pump selection and operation.
Designing a submersible pump installation is not an exact science; it is mostly an art. But it is a talent which can be easily acquired if care and attention are paid to what the well is telling us, and what we want to do with the well. The well conditions vary from one well to other, but the basic information required for a design does not. What we require from a particular well must, of course, be within the limits of the well in question.
Submersible pump design provided information required for analyzing the behavior of a productivity well interval using rod pump. This thus makes it possible to answer some fundamental questions:
(a) What is the well producing capacity?
(b) What fluids do they produce?
(c) At what flow rates?
(d) What is the submersible pump to use?
In this course, it has also included example problems to illustrate the use of various theoretical solution. Wherever possible, it has not only discussed practical difficulties that one may encounter while using the theoretical solutions, but it has also listed some of the method that one can used to obtain the desired information. It also included descriptions on field histories wherever they were available and trouble shooting using submersible pump.
This course is mainly directed to the practicing professionals who make engineering calculations and decision on submersible pump application and trouble shooting. For managers, the course helps to review the present state of the art. It also outlined some of new method in artificial technology exist today. These gaps in technology will be useful for research engineers and research professionals to determine the areas of future research.
Chapter 1
Hydraulic& Electrical Fundamentals
- Introduction
- Hydraulic Fundamentals
- Centrifugal Pump Hydraulics
- Well Performance
- Electricity Fundamentals
Chapter 2
Equipment Description
- Introduction
- Centrifugal Pump
- Rotary Gas Separator
- Seal Section
- Electrical Submersible Motor
- Generalized Motor Composite Curves
- Motor Controllers
- VSC Effects on ESP Components
- Down hole Pressure
- Temperature Monitors
- Transformers
- Junction Box
- Wellhead
- Check Valve
- Drain Valve
- Backspin relay
- Centralizer
- Cable
- Cable Bands
- Motor Lead Extension
Chapter 3
Typical ESP Applications
- Introduction
- Shrouded Configuration
- Booster Pump
- Direct Production-Injection-System
- Horizontal Injection System
- Cantle slope Injection System
- ESP Installation with Deep Set Packer
- ESP Installation with Tool Bottom Intake
- Booster Pump
- Operation of Submersible Pumps in Harsh Environments
Chapter 4
Equipment Sizing
- Introduction
- Basic Data Required
- Sizing Procedure High-Water-Cut
- Sizing example : High-Water-Cut
- Effect of Viscosity on Centrifugal Pump Performance
- Sizing Procedure for Viscous Fluids
- Sizing Example: Viscous Fluids
- Sizing Procedure High GOR
- Sizing Example High GOR
- Sizing Procedure Variable Speed
Chapter 5
Installation Maintenance and Trouble shooting
- Introduction
- Equipment Transportation
- Equipment Handling
- Well Preparation
- Installation of Down hole Equipment
- Installation of Surface Equipment
- Starting ESP
- Testing
- Data Gathering
- Re-running Equipment
- Economic Evaluation
- Failure Analysis
- Ammeter Technology
- Field Checkout
- ESP Troubleshooting Chart
Chapter 6
Engineering Data
- Electrical Terms and Definition
- Useful Formulas
- Relationships Regarding Flow and Pressure drops in Pipes
- Temperature Rise in Pumps
- Measurement for Water Flow
- Areas of Circles
- Conversion Factors
- Temperature Conversion Table
- Fundamental Unit of Length, Area, Volume and Mass
- Conversion Factors For Units of Energy
- Casing and Tubing Sized and Capacities
- Stretch of Suspended Casing, Tubing or Drill Pipe
- Tubing Weight in Fluid
- Hydrostatic Head
- Well Temperature versus Current
- Absolute Viscosity of Gas-Free Crude Oil, Centipoises Absolute Viscosity of Gas-Saturated Crude Oil, Centipoises
- Pressure Loss Charts
- Flow Loss due to Friction in API. Pipe
- Inflow Performance relationship Equations
Chapter 7
- Installation, Operating and Trouble Shooting The Pump Chapter 8 Case Study and Discussion
Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA and TEAM
Dr. Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA was graduated from Petroleum Engineering Department of ITB in 1979 and hold Doctorate Degree with honored in 1987 from Ecole Centrale de Lyon I, France. The topic of his thesis is Modelisation Numerique d’Ecoulements Polyphasiques en Milieux Poreux. Application au Cas de Calcul des Champs de Pressions et de Saturations dans un Gisement de Petrole.
For the time being, he became a lecturer in Petroleum Engineering Department of ITB. His subjects are Analysis and Numerical Method, Engineering Mathematics, Computer Simulation, Fluid Mechanic, Artificial Intelligence for Petroleum Engineering.
He also gave many courses to the community, such as: basic reservoir engineering and reservoir simulation, basic production engineering, down hole well testing, statistic and numerical method for petroleum engineering, basic log interpretation, etc. He is a member of some profession organization such as:
- Integrated Quality Training Material (HARDCOPY AND SOFTCOPY) & Quality Training Kits will be delivered on registration, additional papers & handouts assignment.
- Note-taking by participants is encouraged. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.
All attendees will receive a Certificate of Appreciation attesting to their participation in the Training. This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed Training Questionnaire.
Casual Clothing is recommended. The Training atmosphere is informal
(Exclude Tax 10%)
- Rp.10.900.000,-/ Participant
- Rp. 10.500.000,-/ Participant if register more than 3 (Three) Participants from 1 (0ne) Company
- Rp. 9.900.000,-/ Participant if register more than 5 (Five) Participants from 1 (0ne) Company
Fee includes the following:
- Three-day registration fee for all Training sessions;
- Lunch per day Daily coffee/tea breaks
- Integrated Quality Training Materials (SOFTCOPY AND HARDCOPY)
- Quality Training Kits,
- Convenient Training Facilites,
- Certifícate of Compleción
- Registration Form MUST be return in advance for attending the Training
- Full fixed fee is charged regardless of the length of time that registrant attends the Training
- Attendees are expected to attend all Training sessions and are not permitted to attend on a partial basis.
- Cancellation received after the registration deadline, May 05, 2014 entitles the registrant to received 25% refund.
- Cancellation on the date will be recharged 100% from the fee
- No refund will be issued, if a registrant fails to show up at the Training on-site.