Gas Turbine Training
Estubizi Setiabudi Building, Jakarta | 24 – 26 September 2014 | IDR 9.000.000
Estubizi Setiabudi Building, Jakarta | 27 – 31 Oktober 2014 | IDR 9.000.000
Estubizi Setiabudi Building, Jakarta | 24 – 28 November 2014 | IDR 9.000.000
Estubizi Setiabudi Building, Jakarta | 01 – 05 Desember 2014 | IDR 9.000.000
This course offers a firm understanding of the basic operations of all types of GE heavy duty gas turbines. The course is designed for those persons with no or limited knowledge of gas turbines. The objective of this course is to give participants an understanding of basic gas turbine operations and construction as well as a fundamental knowledge of proper operation, control and protection of the turbine and its accessory systems. The course does not include any discussions of generators. Emphasis is placed on the following areas:
- Basic gas turbine operating cycle
- Overview of gas turbine major components and equipment arrangements and how these relate to overall operation and performance
- Fundamentals of gas turbine control and protection: start-up, speed, load, shutdown and temperature
- Operating parameters and control / protection features of the various turbine support systems such as the lubricating oil, hydraulic, variable inlet guide vanes, starting means and fuels
- Operating factors and considerations that affect maintenance intervals
The course is held at a UGM training facility. All locations have turbine equipment available to view that enhances the learning experience beyond the classroom lectures and discussions.)
Who should attend?
Operators, engineers, technicians, and administrative personnel of operating facilities as well those who may work in affiliated industries, who wish to gain an understanding of the day-to-day operation of heavy duty gas turbines.
Materi Training Gas Turbine
- Dasar Teori Mekanika Fluida (Hidrolik)
- Sifat-sifat fisik fluida (inkompresibel) yang relevan.
- Statika fluida.
- Dasar aliran fluida (inkompresibel).
- Dasar dinamika fluida.
- Dasar proses energi pada fluida.
- Kebutuhan energi (head) pada instalasi.
- Prinsip pemindahan energi dan pompa (kapasitas, head, efisiensi).
- Kombinasi antara instalasi dan pompa.
- Pemilihan Pompa Sentrifugal dan Instalasinya
- Spesifikasi pompa.
- Pump Perfomance Curve
- Pemilihan pompa (dengan dasar kapasitas, head dan efisiensi pompa).
- Sususan pompa seri dan parallel.
- Analisis pengisapan (kavitasi dan NPSH)
- Perhitungan dasar pompa dan sistem
- Sistem sealing pompa
- Element bantalan (Rolling bearing) pompa sentrifugal
- Penggunaan dan Pemilihan Material pompa Sentrifugal
- Pompa air bersih
- Pompa air kotor
- Pompa Pemadam kebakaran
- Pompa di Industri Kimia
- Pompa di Industri Minyak
- Pompa refrigerasi dan pengkondisian udara
- Pompa lumpur/solid
- Pompa system booster (water pressure Booster system)
- Gejala-gejala Kritis/Berbahaya pada operasi
- Kavitasi.
- Benturan air (water hammer).
- Tekanan berlebih.
- Tekanan negatif.
- Gejala surjing.
- Fuktuasi tekanan.
- Operasi & Pemeliharaan
- Prosedur menjalankan dan menghentikan pompa.
- Pengaturan kapasitas.
- Pencegahan bahaya.
- Operasi otomatik.
- Operasi Seri dan Operasi Paralel
- Pemeriksaan pendahuluan.
- Pemeliharaan kondisi operasi.
- Penanganan pompa cadangan.
- Mengatasi gangguan.
Jadwal Training 2014
- 24 – 26 September 2014
- 27 – 31 Oktober 2014
- 24 – 28 November 2014
- 01 – 05 Desember 2014
5 days
IDR. 9.000.000,- (Sembilan Juta Rupiah)