Jakarta | 25 – 27 November 2013 | Rp 5.500.000
Dangerous goods or any dangerous substances are might create the problems when they are transported from one point to another point. In order to reduce even to eliminate the problem, the industries who product the dangerous goods needs to have persons in charge deal with transporting that kind of goods.
From the description mention above and to overcome the one who have problems regarding the management system of dangerous goods, therefore we are conducted “HANDLING DANGEROUS GOODS ”
The objectives of this course are :
- To make the participants understand the handling of dangerous goods.
- To make the participants able to manage the dangerous goods thats they product.
- To improve the skill of participants with regards to the handling of dangerous goods.
The target of this course are :
- Manager / official who is responsible to manage dangerous goods.
- Manager / official who is in charge of transporting dangerous goods.
1. Introduction to the IMDG Code
a. International Regulations
- Describe the international regulations concerning dangerous goods transportation.
b. Background to the IMDG Code
- Explain the background of existence of International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code
c. Using the IMDG Code
- Describes the way how to use the IMDG Code
2. Preparing/Receiving Dangerous Goods for Shipment
a. Preparing/Checking packages
- Explain the way how to check the packaging of Dangerous Goods
b. Preparing/Checking paperwork for packages
- Explain the fill in of form should be issued by producer or persons who in charge handling of Dangerous Goods.
c. Limited & Excepted Quantities
- Discuss the number allowed when transporting the Dangerous Goods.
3. Packing & Consolidating Dangerous Goods
a. Selecting & Checking Cargo Transport Units
- Explain the way how to select and check the transport unit which is used to carry Dangerous Goods.
b. Segregation of packages
- Explain the segregation of Dangerous Goods when they are they stored in the warehouse and transporting.
c. Packing Cargo Transport Units
- Describe the Packing of Cargo Transport Units
d. Preparing paperwork
- Describe the preparation of paper work deal with Packing & Consolidating Dangerous Goods
4. Loading vessels
a. Planning segregation
- Explain the creating planning of segregation Dangerous Goods
b. Planning stowage
- Describe the stowage planning on board the ship
c. Preparing paperwork
- Explain the preparing of Dangerous Goods documents when transpoting on board the ship.
Drs. Bambang Sumali, M.Sc.
Drs. Bambang Sumali, M.Sc. is a head of Port & Shipping at STIP Jakarta. He was graduated from World Maritime University, Malmo – Sweden in Port Management in 1995. For improving his skills and capability, beside formal education, He also has attended seminars and workshop such as: The Quality Standard System of Maritime Education – Rotterdam, Workshop on Port Operation – Le Havre – Franch, workshop on Improvement Port Performance in Sweden. As a member he also took Ship Management Training Program in JICA, Jakarta and got symposium on Suppression of Unlawful Act Convention in Sweden. He would be convenient to share his experiences in training class all participants.
Hotel Harris Tebet, Jakarta
3 days
- 25 – 27 November 2013
- Rp 5.500.000/person (full fare) or
- Rp 5.250.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
- Rp 4.950.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)
- Training Module
- Flash Disk contains training material
- Certificate
- Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
- T-Shirt
- Backpack
- Training Photo
- Training room with Full AC facilities and multimedia
- Lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
- Qualified Instructor
- Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training – VV (if minimal participants is 4 persons from the same company)
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