Hospitality Workshop for Executive corporate

Hospitality Workshop for Executive corporate

Hotel Salak the Heritage, Bogor | Desember 07-09, 2011 | USD 850,- / Participant (excluded tax 10 % & accomodation)


Making Friendship is an unlimited source of income!

Perhaps we never realized that one of the most important factors to make our self successful is based on the ability of making friendship with other people. In the company, it is very important to make a great relationship with clients or customers.  This ability can make The Company’s income increased rapidly beyond our imagination. How to make it happen? Basic of this ability is a Hospitality Skills, which can be divided into 6 groups:

  • Grooming Skill (The ability to formulate a good type of clothing to be wear when interacting)
  • Handling Complaint (The ability to deal with a crisis or dissatisfaction from related parties)
  • Norms and values (norms and values that support the bond of friendship)
  • Excellent Service (The ability to responds/ serve very well)
  • Table Manner (The ability to interact during meals)
  • Productive Meetings and Negotiations (The ability of a productive meeting and negotiation)

The six groups of skills can not be separated from one another to achieve success. The company will enjoy a remarkable growth of the company when its executives have these skills. The six skills can be learned and trained by joining program of Hospitality Workshop organized by the Training and Research Center of Bogor Hotel Institute. Bogor Hotel Institute is a college that is accredited by the Ministry of Education and has a strong foundation of hospitality in the entire major programs.

  1. Norms and Vaues by Dr. Ir. Hasan Hambali, M.M.
  2. Excellent Service by Eliza EL Simanjuntak, Se., MM.
  3. Complaint Handling by  Eliza EL Simanjuntak, Se., MM.
  4. Psychology of Service by  Sulaiman Datuk
  5. Table Manner. by Rusdie Saleh
  6. Grooming by Eliza EL Simanjuntak, Se., MM
  7. Productive Meeting and Negotiation by  Prof. Dr. Ir. Ujang Sumarwan, M.Sc.


  • USD 850,-/ Participant (excluded Tax 10 % and Accommodation)
  • Special discount if you registered before November 25, 2011
  • Special discount if registered more than 3, 5 and 8 participants from 1 Company

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