Writing HR Policy and Procedures

Training ini membantu para HR mengelola kebijakan dan prosedur SDM dengan pendekatan yang sistematis

Lumire Hotel, Jakarta | 31 Mei 2021 | Rp 2.250.000
Lumire Hotel, Jakarta | 30 September 2021 | Rp 2.250.000



HR Policies and Procedures Training Description 

The purpose of the policies and procedures is to provide employers, human resources director, manager and human resources supervisor with a systematic approach to administrating HR policies and procedures

Company HR policies and procedures set a standard of conduct, create system to deal with complaints, reduce faulty of communication, and ensure consistency in discipline, safety, and work rules. Moreover, written procedures help you to avoid charges of favoritism on the one hand and unfairness and discrimination on the other. Written policies and procedures help you create and maintain a happier, more satisfied and more productive workforce.

We design this training program with the objective to equip the participants with the ability to develop/write HR policies and procedures.


HR Policies and Procedures Training Other Benefits

By attending this workshop, participants will

  • Have a broader knowledge of various definition related to policies and procedures]
  • Understand the benefits of having written policies and procedures
  • Have the same format
  • Be able to determine what policies and procedures should be put in writing
  • Understand signs that a policy need to be revised
  • Understand do and don’t in writing effective policies and procedures
  • Get a lot of examples.


HR Policies and Procedures Training Participants

  • HR People (Managers, Supervisors, Staff)


HR Policies and Procedures Training Agenda

  1. Introduction / Background
    • Workshop objectives
  2. Basic Definition
    • ·   Rule
    • Regulation
    • Guideline
    • Policy
    • Procedure
  3. Why Have Policies and Procedures?
  4. Benefits of Written Policies and Procedures
  5. Various Example of Policies and Procedures
  6. Policies and Procedures Users
  7. Types of Policies
  8. Policies and Procedures Format
  9. Format Explanation
  10. What Policies and Procedures Should be Put in Writing
  11. Steps in Developing Policies and Procedures
  12. Do and Don’t in Writing Policies and Procedures
  13. Closing (Summary and Conclusion).


HR Policies and Procedures Training Facilitator

Sahala P. Sinurat, MSc He accomplished, after getting a scholarship from Overseas Fellowship Program (World Bank), his master degree in Operations Research from University of Delaware, Newark (US) in 1990.

Mr. Sinurat has a proven record of teaching, training and consulting experiences and exposure to different cultures behind him, he is an excellent people developer as he held several positions at various organizations that include:

  • Consultant and Professional Staff to Lembaga PPM
  • Training and Development Manager for Rothmans of Pall Mall Indonesia
  • Training and Development Manager for the British American Tobacco (BAT)
  • Managing Director Management Consulting in Indonesia.

Mr Sinurat has more than 9000 hours of teaching in addition to his consulting and practicing manager experience. His client list include PT Phillip Morris Indonesia, Jasa Marga, Pelindo II, Daimler Chrysler, Capsugel Indonesia, Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, BAT, Rothmans of Pall Mall Indonesia, Coca Cola Bottling Company, Amarta Karya,  Surveyor Indonesia, Unilever Indonesia, Telkom Bandung, Shimano-Batam, Unisem-Batam, etc.


HR Policies and Procedures Training Venue

  • Lumire Hotel, Senen , Jakarta Pusat
  • Bintang Griyawisata Hotel


HR Policies and Procedures Training Fee

Rp 2.250.000,-


Developing HR Policies and Procedures

Writing HR Policy and Procedures


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