HSE AUDIT: Assessing & Writing

HSE AUDIT: Assessing & Writing

Hotel SAlak the heritage, Bogor | October 19-21, 2009 | US$  800,-/participant


HSE Audit provide assurances to Management that HSE Risks of a particular operations are well controlled and managed in accordance with relevant legislation.  This practical approach training is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of HSE Audit Best Practices both in theory and practices, from guidance to In-field Actions, techniques and equipment requirement, assessing & writting practices used. It will be beneficial to non-technical personnel and technical personnel daily in-field operations and safety. Audit Report Writing teaches the skills needed to write an effective audit report that will elicit action.
Participants are invitedto bring the “raw material” for one or more significant audit observations to get the maximum hands-on benefit. Class format: Lecture, case studies, small group discussions, practical exercises, skill practices, application planning, self-assessment.

What will I get after completing this training?

  • Participants will understand what is the priority in managing, executing and monitoring the HSE Audit in job locations, what to consider in practical
  • Planning, what and how to protect ecological impacts of the oil and gas operations, and why they have to do it all for the environment.


What will I learn from this comprehensive training?

1.  Overview: Natural Resources Industry vs. Environments

  • Operations Impacts of natural resources industry due to HSE practices
  • Regulations: HSE Audit

2.  Operations Impact Assessment

  • Minimization of the Ecological Impact

3.  Knowledge of HSE Management Plan

  • Health (Occupational Health) aspect
  • Safety aspect
  • Environmental aspect

4.  Knowledge of ISO-14001 and OHSAS-18001

  • Why should be
  • Benefits

5.   HSE Audit Guidelines
6.   Steps of Auditing: assesment and verification
7.   Audit Skills and Techniques: interviewing, documenting, data gathering, sampling, writting the finding, communicating results
8.  Physical inspection
9.  Internal and External Audit
10.   Summary and Recomendation


Who is The Instructor?

Ir. Wahyu Affandi, M.Si

He has experienced more than 25 years in the world-class Petroleum Industries. Graduated from Petroleum Engineering of ITB, directly He started its career as a Production Operations Engineer in on-shore’s VICO-Indonesia. He left the company after more than 19 years of various work assignments (Reservoir Engineer, Drilling & Workover, Tanker Coordinator until as a Senior Environmental Coordinator for Kalimantan Operations). He has also experienced in Community Relations with stakeholders due to legal interpretation for various operations ‘cases, such as produced water impact to stakeholders, waste hadling and disposal in sensitive areas, land-used, spills etc. His remarkable experience with this topic when preparing and executing the HSE audit activity both internal and external audit, for safety management ISRS6, then environment management ISO14001, health and safety OHSAS18001.

He learned offshore in LASMO Indonesia (British Investor)/Eni-Indonesia (Italia Investor) with the same position He finished the career in oil and gas companies as an advisor ISO-14001 Audit & Certification Developing Environmental Program, Risk Assessment, Training, Waste Management and Community Development, etc.

Beside as a practitioner He is active to join In & Abroad training. Passed the Master Degree program on The Environmental Management, held by The Padjajaran University of Bandung and The Twente Enschede of Netherlands.

With many experiences and expertise He has been active in many public  and In-House training, Workshop and others with The Topics : Environmental Legislation – Anticipating Conflicts, Environmentally Safe Drilling Practices, Environmental Control in Petroleum Engineering Operations, Waste Management: Regulatory – Strategy and Trends, Environmental Based ‘Community Development”, HSE Campaign for Company Image, Implementing and Auditing the Integrated HSEQ Management Best Practices (the quality management system ISO-9001, the health and safety management system OHSAS-18001, and the environmenta management system ISO-14001), Environmental Monitoring – key to pollution free, AMDAL (EIA) for The Executives, Environmental Auditing – WYSIWYG, Produced Water: Safely-Legally and Environmentally, The Oil & Chemical Spills Assessment and Handling, Emergency Preparedness , HSE concerns on oil and gas’ Old Wells (Permen ESDM-02/2008), etc.


Registration Fee: (Exclude accommodation)

  • Registration until October 12, 2009
  • o US$  800,-/participant
  • o US$  770,-/participant for more than 3 (three) participants from 1 Company
  • o Free 1 (one) Participant if register more than 6 (six) participants from 1 Company


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