Jakarta | 06 – 07 Desember 2016 | Rp 3.500.000 – PASTI JALAN
Jakarta | 15 – 16 Desember 2016 | Rp 3.500.000
Untuk mengoptimalkan pertumbuhan bisnis, perusahaan harus dipimpin para profesional yang memiliki motivasi tinggi dan mampu membangun Operational Excellence. Pengembangan dan manajemen SDM menjadi demikian penting dilihat dari dua sisi: menyeimbangkan kebutuhan jumlah karyawan dengan laju pertumbuhan bisnis perusahaan, mengelola motivasi karyawan agar tetap kompetitif dan mengembangkan mereka untuk memiliki wawasan global, ketrampilan bisnis serta manajemen yang unggul dibandingkan dengan para profesional pesaing. Untuk menjadi mitra strategis para pengambil keputusan di perusahaannya, staff HR perlu menguasai proses HR dengan baik. Human Resources Management Program (HRMP) didesain untuk membantu para staff HR untuk mampu menjawab tantangan tersebut.
Overview About Human Resources Department Functions and Role
- Strategic Role in HR Management.
- HR Competency Profile.
Organization Development
It is a planned of organization wide effort to increase an organization’s effectiveness and viability.
- Defining organization’s vision and mission
- Core competencies
- Organization value
- Organization structure
- Develop job description
- Job Description VS Competency Model and it’s implications.
Industrial Relations
- Industrial relation concept and strategy
- Tools (Collective Labor Agreement, Employee Handbook and HR Manual)
- Employment agreement and contract
- Labor dispute settlement
Recruitment & Selection
- Effective recruitment
- Process and step
- Selection techniques and tools.
- On boarding and orientation program
People Development
- Strategic role of people development functions
- Training needs analysis
- Competencies gap assesment
- Developing competencies
- High potential development – talent Management and succession planning
Performance Management
- The importance of good performance management
- The principle of performance management
- Performance evaluation cycle
- Setting up professional development plan and objective
Compensation and Benefits
- Compensation and benefit strategy and philoshophy
- Designing compensation and benefit system
- Salary structure and employee grading system
- Job evaluation
- Salary survey and review
Drs, Hendra Kusnoto, SPsi, MM & TEAM
Rp. 3.500.000,-
(termasuk Souvenir, flash disk, materi hand-out dan CD modul, 2x coffee break, makan siang dan sertifikat)
Tempat :
- Hotel Ibis Cawang
- Hotel Ibis Senen
- Hotel santika Premier Hayam Wuruk