Insulation Testing
Dafam Fortuna Hotel, Yogyakarta | 23 – 26 Agustus 2016 | IDR 7,000,000
Dafam Fortuna Hotel, Yogyakarta | 22 – 25 November 2016 | IDR 7,000,000
Electrical insulation is designed to isolate conductors in an electric circuit and to protect personnel. Motors, cables, and other electrical components employ complex insulation systems that can be easily undermined by moisture and heat. Testing and determining the quality of electrical insulation requires knowledge of megommeter and high potential testing.
- Engineering and design personnel
- Maintenance and technical services personnel
- Process and operations personnel
- Technical and process managers
- Engineering and design personnel
- Electrical consulting engineers
- Electrical contractors
1. Why Motors Fail
- IEEE and UL Survey – Mechanical Failure, Excessive Heat, Excessive Moisture
- Causes of Excessive Heat – High Ambient, Dirt, Overload
2. Insulation
- Fundamental Properties of Electrical Insulation
- Dielectric Strength vs. Electrical Resistance
- The Need for Thermal Conductivity
3. Insulating Systems and Temperature Limits
- Standard Conductor Insulation Classes
- Electric Motor Insulation Classes
- Oil Used as Insulation
- Ceramic Insulation
- Other Insulators
4. Causes of Insulation Failure
- How Temperature Effects Insulation Life
- Thermal Aging and the Insulation Formula
- Voltage Surges and Dielectric Breakdown
- Mechanical Damage in Motors and Other Equipment
- Moisture and Humidity
- Corona Discharge and Insulation Deterioration
- Chemical Fumes, Dirt and Oil
5. Testing of Insulation Systems
- Multimeter Test Methods
- Megohmmeter Testing
- Spot Reading Limits
- The Dielectric Absorption Phenomena
- Time vs. Resistance Testing
- Step Voltage Testing
- Taking Insulation Temperature into Account During Megohm Tests
- Polarization Index Limits
- AC and DC High Potential Testing
6. Surge Comparison Testing
- Theory Behind Operation for Three Phase Motors
- Pre-tests
- Waveform Comparison Chart
- Maximum Voltages
- Testing DC and Single Phase Motors
- Discuss
- Case Study
- Evaluation
- Simulation
Teguh Santoso, Ir
Teguh Santoso experienced more than 26 years in Electrical.
- Dafam fortuna Hotel, Yogyakarta
- 23-26 Agustus 2016
- 22-25 November 2016
- 4 days – 08 am – 04 pm
IDR 7.000,000.00 per participant non residential
- Module / Handout
- Certificate
- Souvenir
- Training Kit
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