Introduction to Functional Safety and IEC 61508 The International Training And Certification Program From UL University

Introduction to Functional Safety and  IEC 61508
The International Training And Certification Program From UL University

Amaris Cihampelas Hotel – Bandung | October 05-06, 2011 | Rp 6.600.000,

Sekilas UL University :

UL University merupakan lembaga pelatihan dan sertifikasi internasional yang dibentuk oleh UL (Underwriters Laboratories) yang berkedudukan di Northbrook-IL-USA. Topik pelatihan UL University meliputi bidang-bidang seperti Alat Kesehatan, Software Kedokteran, Industrial Control Panels, NEC, Plastik, Fire Safety, Berbahaya Lokasi, OSHA, ITE dan banyak lagi. . Didirikan lebih dari 100 tahun yang lalu, UL tetap berkomitmen untuk membantu Anda memenuhi kebutuhan pasar global penting untuk bisnis Anda, memberdayakan Anda untuk bereaksi lebih cepat terhadap perubahan kondisi pasar.
Materi pelatihan disampaikan langsung oleh expert dari UL dalam “Bahasa Inggris”, dan setelah anda menyelelesaikan pelatihan ini, maka berhak atas sertifikat internasional dari UL (Underwriters Laboratories) Northbrook-IL-USA

Workshop overview

As a product design or safety professional or perhaps as a manager of your company’s product engineering processes, you may have struggled at times balancing your  product’s safety requirements and guidelines against other important parameters, such  as usability, cost and customer satisfaction. Have you ever wondered how to deal with  the myriad of possible failure modes that you could encounter in a complex design? How  do standards address your latest innovation? How do you manage risk? What layers of  protection can you implement to mitigate risk? What process can be implemented that  supports standards and substantiates a quality and safety mindset in product  development?

This two-day training will present basic functional safety concepts and  introduces a safety lifecycle process to support the development of a standards-based  functional safety framework for product design.

Learning outcomes

  1. Describe the concepts and tasks included in a “safety lifecycle”
  2. Appreciate changes in technology and its effects on safety
  3. Identify and understand some of the pertinent functional safety standards
  4. Identify measures to reduce or remove hazards
  5. Apply risk assessment techniques
  6. Determine safety integrity levels and/or performance levels
  7. Develop a standards-based functional safety framework for your designs

Workshop topics

  1. Overview of functional safety
  2. Evolution of technology
  3. Functional safety standards
  4. The safety lifecycle process
  5. Hazard analysis
  6. Risk assessment and management

Continuing Education Units

UL University has been reviewed and approved as an Authorized Provider of the Continuing Education Unit (CEU) by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).

Who should attend

  • Design engineers
  • Product safety engineers
  • Regulatory compliance engineers
  • Product managers
  • Anyone interested in designing safer products


The proposed speaker is a qualified engineer and practitioner from UL with extensive experience in the field of fire equipment evaluation and industry practice.

Waktu dan tempat:

  • Amaris Cihampelas Hotel – Bandung
  • October 05-06, 2011


  • IDR 6.600.000,-/peserta.

Participants for each class: 15-20

Available for In-house and Public Training

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