Hotel Merapi Merbabu Yogyakarta | 23– 25 April 2019 | Rp. 6.500.000,-/ participant
Hotel Merapi Merbabu Yogyakarta | 11 – 13 Juni 2019 | Rp. 6.500.000,-/ participant 
Hotel Merapi Merbabu Yogyakarta | 17 – 19 September 2019 | Rp. 6.500.000,-/ participant 
Hotel Merapi Merbabu Yogyakarta | 26 – 28 November 2019 | Rp. 6.500.000,-/ participant 

Jadwal Training 2019 Selanjutnya …




The IT Audit course is designed to provide practical view in conducting IT audit and assurance in one organization. The course is designed to support professional staffs to expand their understanding of information technology (IT) audit.

The course presents a more in-depth view on the fundamentals of IT auditing by highlighting on topics such as: IT audit and control analysis, examination of control evidence in conducting IT audit, application control, and management of IT audit. The course will include discussion and exercises related to general control examinations and application system auditing. The course will also focus on control research and analysis for IT-related topic areas. In addition, through discussion and exercises, students will gain a working understanding of the process of developing audit work programs.

Participants will be expected to gain a working understanding of how to identify, reference and implement IT management and control policies, standards and related auditing standards. Regarding the latter, the objective is to learn how to identify and interpret the requirements of the standards and. implement the standards in auditing process.

Each class session will include discussion on an IT audit management, security, control or audit issues that participants should be familiar with.



(1)-Introduction to Information Technology Audit :

The class session will focus on IT audit concepts and processes, which includes: review of some of the key fundamentals of IT auditing, including general auditing standards, risk-based auditing, pre-audit objectives, determining scope and audit objectives, and the process of performing an IT audit.

The class session will include discussion on IT performance, controls, control self-assessment, risk analysis, and the objectives of the IT audit or assurance report.

(2)-Conducting Information Technology Audit

The class session shall describe on practical methodology in conducting the effective and efficient IT audit, expand upon the need for appropriate controls and assurance processes for business and IT environment. The participants will be geared toward gaining a working understanding of the content and value of the management guidelines and assurance methodology. Discussion will focus on the importance of measurement in achieving organizational and IT objectives.

The session will also focus on the business and IT environments subject to operational and control assessments (audit).

(3)-Management Controls

The session will provide an overview of the control model such as: internal control, control analysis methodology from the Closing the Loop Framework, identification of business processes, considerations regarding materiality, and the assessment of IT value by which all these tools will be used assessing the appropriateness of IT processes.

The class session will also expand upon the audit process by providing methodology for developing audit strategies and developing audit work programs with reference to best practices (CobiT, BS 17799,etc). In this regard, the participant will cover organizational structure, accountability, role of the IT steering committee and oversight functions, and method for ensuring that appropriate policies and procedures are in place.

(4)-Application Controls

The class session will expand upon the requirements for application system audits, use of audit software, and IT service delivery. From an audit perspective, the objective is to provide assurance that application systems have integrity, and that IT service management practices will ensure the delivery of the level of services required to meet the business organization’s objectives.

Topic areas will include such as: types of application systems, application control assessment, evaluating IT service agreements, problem management, help desk functions, and network standards.

(5) Evidence Collection and Evaluation

The class session will expand the methods in conducting the evidence collection, evaluation and reporting which cover the observed processes, documentary audit and analysis of evidence using appropriate tools such as: sampling, CAAT, and etc. The participants will be driven towards having the capability in conducting effective evidence collection and evaluation which are essential

(6) Managing the IT Audit Function

The class session will focus on management issues regarding how to manage IT audit and assurance functions. The class material will include developing and assessing staff knowledge and skills, competency measurement, assignment of staff, documentation and continuing education requirements. Discussion will be on best approaches for involvement in professional organizations, obtaining certifications, and professional development.

The class will also focus on the key issues surrounding audit and assurance engagements, such as establishing auditee/auditor protocols, oral and written communication requirements, engagement administration, and follow-up requirements



Ari Prabowo  and Team



Kegiatan pelatihan dirancang agar peserta dapat memahami secara komprehensif materi yang disampaikan, sehingga dapat dimplementasikan secara aplikatif dalam dunia kerja. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah:

  1. Presentation
  2. Discuss
  3. Case Study
  4. Evaluation



  • IT Managers
  • Security Managers
  • Auditing Staffs
  • IT Operation Staffs



  • 23– 25 April 2019
  • 11 – 13 Juni 2019
  • 17 – 19 September 2019
  • 26 – 28 November 2019
  • Hotel Merapi Merbabu Yogyakarta
  •  Pukul 08.30 – 16.00 WIb

Request for Training Venue: Semarang, Solo, Bandung, Jakarta, Balikpapan, Surabaya, Jogja, Lombok, Malang, Makassar and Batam



  • Course Fee : Rp. 6.500.000,-/participant (non residential)
  • Special Price : Rp. 5.500.000,-/participant (non residensial) Min. 3 Peserta dari Perusahaan yang sama



  1. Training Hand Out
  2. Digital Material
  3. Certificate
  4. Exclusive Souvenir
  5. Qualified Bag
  6. Training Photo
  7. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  8. Once lunch and twice coffee break every day of training
  9. Qualified Instructor
  10. Transportation from airport / railway to hotel and from hotel to the training venue (2 person from one company)


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