Hotel HARRIS / PENINSULA – Jakarta | 26 s/d 27 May 2011 | Rp. 3. 950.000,- / Person
Letter of Credit saat ini masih menjadi instrument pembayaran yang banyak dipilih oleh para pihak yang melakukan transaksi perdagangan international maupun local. Transaksi perdagangan yang mengunakan Letter of Credit ternyata tidak semudah yang dibayangkan oleh para pihak, bagaimana penggunaan LC, Kelemahan dan keunggulan, serta proteksi LC terhadap para pihak yang terlibat seperti Buyer, Middleman maupun intitusi perbankan.
Produk pembiayaan dalam rangka perdagangan barang- barang konsumsi dan juga barang hasil alam telah banyak ditawarkan oleh pihak Perbankan antara lain Warehaouse Receipt Financing, Stock , Commodity sampai Pembiayaan perkebunan dalam scala besar.
Focus Partisipan
Manager Export–Import / Bills Dept, Procurement / Pengadaan, Material, Logistik, Marketing, atau Treasury/ Finance Manager dari berbagai badan usaha& Perbankan.
Materi Pembahasan:
I. Types Of Letter Of Credit.
- Irrevocable.
- Sight Vs Usance payable at Sight (Upas).
- Usance LC Vs Deferred LC.
- Transferable LC Vs Back to Back LC.
- Revolving LC Vs Installment LC.
- Red Clause/Green Clause, Standby LC, SKBDN.
II. Introduction And Definition Of Export Import Documents.
- Definition of Financial and Commercial documents i.e
- Draft, Invoice, packing / weight list, Inspection/ surveyor report, Insurance Policy, Certificate of origin, Phytosanitary certificate, Draft survey report and Ware house receipt.
- Definition of Transport documents i.e,
- Bill of Lading, Charter party B/L, Multimoda/Combine transport document, Forwader BL, Airway bills/HAWB, Delivery order etc.
- Title of documents.
- Issuer and signer.
- Originals and copies.
- Typing errors and correction.
III. Collateral Management Of Commodities.
- Warehousing.
- Overview.
- Business case for warehousing.
- Disadvantages of warehousing.
- Warehouse Receipt.
- Economic benefit of warehouse receipt.
- A basis for business and financing.
- Lending secured, Negotiability and non negotiability of warehouse receipt.
- Warehouse receipt/Stock Financing.
- Bank International for Settlement II implication.
- Lending perspective and Risk in a commodity flow.
- Lending consideration ; contract detail, commodity deal.
- Collateral management of Commodities.
- Definition and purpose of collateral management.
- Obligatory conditions of collateral management.
- Legal, Collateral Manager, Warehouse, Goods, Insurance,
- Contract detail.
- Type of commodity.
- Commodity profile : Coffee bean, rubber etc.
- Case study.
Speakers :
Mr. Mahamantri G.W
Practicioner and Vice President Trade Service Perbankan Jakarta