Bandung | 14 s.d 16 Okotber 2014 | Rp 6.000.000,-
Jakarta | 21 s.d 23 Oktober 2014 | Rp 6.000.000,-

Industry Coverage:

Dealers Heavy Equipment, Dealers Otomitive, Customers on various Industry, Such as : Oil&Gas, Mining, Construction (Quary,Cement, Contractors), Logistic (Trucking), Transportation business, Forestry & Agriculture (Heavy Equipment Plant Dept/ Div), Manufacturing Industrial that relate with machines and or Engines Target Audience : Technicians or Mechanics, Equipment Operators, Plant Engeeners, Planner, Service Analyst, Salesman, Customers Support Representative, Service Supervisor/ Managers/GM, Branch Manager Competence

Objectives :

  1. To have the underpinning knowledge & able to describe Lubrication concept,
  2. To re-inforce the awareness of Lubrication on their own machines, engines and All machining equipment whice has lubrication system.

Instructor :

Henry Sumartono & Rudityo PH Learning


  1. Identify the types of crude oil and their contents.
  2. Describe the stages to a finished mineral base oil and syntgetics.
  3. Describe basetock properties and components
  4. Identify the characteristics of each of the five groups of basetocks.
  5. Explain how modifiers are used in lubricants to improve the natural performance of the base oil.
  6. Describe how oil protectors are used to inhibit undesirable changes in lubricants.
  7. Explain how surface protectors add new performance characteristics in lubricants
  8. Explain why lubrication is important.
  9. Identify what needs to be lubricated.
  10. Explain how to select the appropriate lubricant foran application
  11. Describe the principle of hydraulic sytem
  12. Identify the characteristics of lubricant for hydraulic,
  13. Describe the maintenance of hydraulic system.
  14. Identify machine elements needed to be lubricated.
  15. Describe the correct lubricant characteristics for each machine element.
  16. Describe the lubricant application method
  17. Describe how internal combustion engine works.
  18. Describe the engine oil characteristics
  19. Describe how to properly operate and maintain the internal combustion engine.
  20. Describe the oil recommendations by field of engineuse.
  21. Identify the automotive chassis components.
  22. Identify the lubricants characteristics for each ofchassis components.
  23. Identify the transmissions and drive trains.
  24. Describe the lubricants characteristics needed for transmissions and drive trains components.
  25. Describe how to handle, store and dispense lubricants.

Lube Oil Management Course Content

  1. Introduction
    • Development of lubrucants.
    • Future prospects.
  2. Refining processes and lubricant base stock.
    • Crude oil
    • Refining
    • Lubricant base stock
    • Lube refining processes
    • Lubricating base stock processing
  3. Lubricating oils
    • Additives
    • Physical abd chemical characteristics
    • Evaluation and performance tests
    • Engine tests for oil performance
    • Automotive gear lubricants
    • Automatic transmission fluids

Date and Venue

  • Date : 14 s.d 16 Oktober 2014
  • Venue : Training Center – Bandung
  • Date : 21 s.d 23 Oktober 2014
  • Venue : Training Center  – Jakarta

Time : 08.00 – 16.00

Tuition Fee

  • Rp 6.000.000,- (Six Million Rupiahs)
  • The fee included Instructor fee, 2x coffe break, lunch, training kit, hand out and certifícate.
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