Kursus Microsoft Visio ini akan membahas tentang berbagai jenis gambar seperti diagram alir, grafik lintas fungsional
Hotel Ibis Malioboro, Yogyakarta | 27 – 29 Januari 2020 | Rp 7.900.000
Deskripsi Training
Our Microsoft Visio Introduction course is designed to enable participants develop a good working knowledge of Visio and to be able to create different types of drawings like flow charts, process diagrams, organisation charts, cross-functional chart (swim lanes). Participants will also be able to use the library of existing stencils and templates, and create their own customised versions of both.
Tujuan Training
Having completed this Microsoft Visio Introduction course, participants will:
- Develop a good working knowledge of Visio
- Be able to create different types of drawings like flow charts, process diagrams, organisation charts, cross-functional chart (swim lanes)
- Be able to use the library of existing stencils and templates, and create their own customised versions of both
Materi Training Microsoft Project and Visio
- Uses for Microsoft Visio
- Find Your Way around Visio
- Working with and Managing Drawings
- Building a Flow Chart Drawing using existing Stencils and Templates
- Working with Shapes
- Working with Connectors
- Printing the Drawing
- Designing Your Own Template and Customising Your Own Stencil
- Building Drawings Using Existing Stencils and Templates
- Adding Layers to your Diagram
- Course Summary and Review
Metode Training
Presentasi, diskusi, dan studi kasus
Waktu Dan Tempat Training 2020
- Hotel Ibis Malioboro, Yogykarta
- 27- 29 Januari 2020
Investasi dan Fasilitas
- Rp 7.90000 (Non Residential, Belum Termasuk Pajak PPn 10%)
- Quota minimum 2 peserta
- Fasilitas : Certificate,Training kits, Lunch,Coffe Break, Souvenir
- Untuk peserta luar kota disediakan transportasi antar-jemput dari Bandara/Stasiun ke Hotel khusus bagi perusahaan yang mengirimkan minimal 3 orang peserta)
Instruktur Training
Tim Instruktur